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Everything posted by EastonSN+

  1. The snow hole has filled in. Snowing pretty good now.
  2. Lost power with the last snow storm for 2.5 days and a tree fell on my house with only 10 inches. Get all your batteries charged.
  3. In that dry hole too now with flurries. West band should head east.
  4. 2 inches as of half hour ago in Easton. What do u have so far?
  5. Looks like the mega band moving in and pivot point just south of eastern LI and Easter CT?
  6. This is what Forky was alluding to. Coast flooding.
  7. The March storm was a dynamic one. 9.5 inches of snow sleet mix for sw coastal CT.
  8. At least we reached average snowfall for the winter (actually 1 more inch to average). Very impressive considering the factors.
  9. Good map but a little light in western Fairfield County and Westchester county in nyk. Almost every city reported 20 to 25 all the way to the Bronx in NYC.
  10. 22 inches in Norwalk in SW Fairfield CT and we"missed" the big bans which gave Easton 35 inches only 2 towns to the east.
  11. Yeah I was living in Norwalk during the blizzard of 96. The cut off east and north was sharp. We received 27 inches (Norwalks largest total to date). While Bridgeport reported 15! Of course Bridgeport probably received 18 as they always under report. I remember the massive drifts, only Nemo came close when we received 22.
  12. They lucked out with that thin band in the early part of the storm. Really lucky.
  13. Sad thing is that in Easton we only got 7. NYC did well in comparison with over 10.
  14. That was correct. We rained big time with the 6 inch accumulation occurring the final day.
  15. Even in coastal CT we did ok. I lived in Norwalk at the time and received 6. I think Bridgeport only reported 2 but they typically under report by 25 percent on all storms for some reason.
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