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Everything posted by EastonSN+

  1. Jeez even gets some on long island
  2. Negative EPO negative NAO negative AO negative PNA.
  3. Looks like a decent frontal thump
  4. Would love for the PNA to be more accommodating, and NAO to become more negative. I have no idea on the EPO front as the CPC site will not load.
  5. GFS has this as a more typical noreaster setup with the EURO a but wonkier.
  6. Wouldn't the strong negative AO and negative NAO keep it south?
  7. Isotherm and Bluewave seems to have nailed this winter so far........
  8. Selfishly only need 2 inches to surpass last year at this time. Even though the pattern is not ideal, it's keeping us busy.
  9. Are we going to let the negative NAO and AO go to waste?
  10. Would be terrible if we waste a negative NAO and AO period due to a crappy pack. We are going to see a great storm track ex on GFS with all rain.
  11. I hate to bring it up but didn't we have one year in the 90s where we had great blocking but mostly rain events due to pack? Is this year similar. Remember benchmark tracks and rain.
  12. I would take another 1 to 3 inch mess in a heartbeat. The year of being nickled. Adds up though!
  13. 2.5 inches final for Easton. 5 inches on the year.
  14. Thanks! I hope we get a least a minor snowfall before the changeover for next week. Euro shows a few inches.
  15. 2nd accumulating snow event this December, can't ask for much more this early in the game.
  16. 2.0 on the nose in Easton CT. I live on the northern boarder of Fairfield and it looked the same (same temp of 29 degrees as well) however can only officially confirm lower Easton. FYI 2.5 on the last storm. 4.5 on the year
  17. A good win for this time of year. Also, ahead of last year wrt snow event count.
  18. CMC and GFS world's apart at hour 228. Good news is CMC has gotten better with the storm on the 17 th
  19. It's amazing how much precipitation we have had with no apparent end in sight. IMO this is actually helping us score some light snowfalls (last Monday, tomorrow), with a POTENTIAL for a heavy event next week. Hard not to score some snow events in winter when precipitation is in abundance, even if the air is more Pacific in nature.
  20. Hopefully if EPS agrees it's a temporary 1 to 2 week issue.
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