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Everything posted by EastonSN+

  1. Ha. It has to look like the worst period in history on the way if he did that.
  2. The following storm seems to have a little better airmass ahead.
  3. The following storm may be a little better for coastal peeps like myself.
  4. CFS weeklies kicked the better look down the line. 500mb looked better at week 3 but surface temps high. Week 4 still has a trough in Alaska but managed to put a trough in the east with cold temps. 5 and 6 look great. That Alaska trough has to move at some point doesn't it
  5. Great storm indeed. Down on the coast in SW CT managed 6 inches in the last part of the storm. my sister was at UCONN and said they got demolished.
  6. Wippie! We had barely had one week of cold and we're already warming up. This Jan can't deliver They had Feb below normal temps last I checked.
  7. NYC received 20 inches in a stale cold airmass in Feb. 2010 (rained to Maine). Even down this way received 8 once the storm became vertically stacked. Obviously different setup however anything is possible.
  8. Surface temps toasty too down here. I guess can be overcome by dynamic cooling like last March.
  9. Thanks. I agree on the weekend, just need it to pass under us and intensify.
  10. There we go. Not hopeless like 11/12
  11. We have scored 3 accumulating snowfalls to date, so while this winter has shown it's hand, we should expect at least 1 more window. While the pack is definitely bad, it's nowhere near as bad as 11/12 was. You did a great job recognizing the overall background state.
  12. What I do not get is the sense that once the bad pattern sets in it's all over as in it will not correct to a better pattern in the future. Unless there is something about the upcoming pattern that historically sticks for months?
  13. CFS still looks good from week 3 on. GEFS and GEPS break the cross Canada ridge allowing for some colder air at very end of run. Heard EPS shows no hope. Will hug CFS until all hope removed.
  14. It CAN work for some snow, but it would be an anamoly and have to bomb out just south east of us. Doubtful of course but something to pass the time till we get a more favorable pattern later on.
  15. Those amounts are old in SW CT. 3.75 in Easton.
  16. Thanks. Finished with 3.75 here in Easton not too far from Bridgeport. Enjoyed this one.
  17. Surprised Bridgeport only reported 2.5. must have been an old measurement
  18. Flipped to drizzle. 3.75 final. 8.75 on the year.
  19. Flipped to drizzle. 3.75 final. 8.75 on the year.
  20. I can't believe I had more snow to date in 11/12 at 11.5 for the year (last snow in January). However that last snow event I felt like it was likely the last event of the year. This year feels different. A bit more hopeful. I feel that we will get 1 or 2 more events this year.
  21. 3.0 Easton CT as of 5 mins ago. 8 on the year.
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