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Everything posted by EastonSN+

  1. Out in la la land in GEFS (don't have EPS access) I would think a cutter would be difficult in the below pattern. Temps are not great obviously but storm track I would imagine would be ok. GEPS looks almost identical. Still looks better than last year.
  2. On the ensembles the Jan 2 through 6 window still looks OK. If we can score a good event in Feb. 2018 in an absolute furnace perhaps we can score something in this window. Make the most of our opportunities like the big event we just had in December.
  3. Yeah. Pretty amazing how the good look went bad in a couple days. Hopefully flips right back to good.
  4. Stole from MA thread. https://mobile.twitter.com/judah47/status/1342479169675022337?ref_url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.americanwx.com%2fbb%2findex.php%3fapp%3dcoremodule%3dsystemcontroller%3dembedurl%3dhttps%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fjudah47%2fstatus%2f1342479169675022337
  5. Yeah GEFS and GEPS looked like a step back in the lr. Hopefully wrong.
  6. CMC looks like it's cooking something at the end of the run. A little like the EC but a little colder air in front.
  7. Think this would be example of too far south.
  8. Sucks we finally get an negative NAO and AO and our prospects are crap.
  9. I hope so. However it's muddled where NAO and AO look good but the Pacific looks not so hot. I guess the best time for a storm threat with pac. air would be Jan.
  10. Yeah. Hopefully just enough cold air with the right track.
  11. Thanks for posting here Walt! Although next week's systems may rain, there seems to be a never ending train of systems. Also, blocking looks to continue according to CPC for the foreseeable future and looking at the MA thread it looks as though another polar vortex hit may occur early Jan. Given the above and the fact that the tri state already scored a heavy snow event I like where this winter is heading! Hope you concur. Thanks
  12. PNA seems to want to remain a little positive with a negative AO and NAO. That can't be bad for snow chances even without artic cold. At least this winter is nowhere close to last year.
  13. Hi just scratched my way to 8.0 for Easton. I got less than central park (10) and Bridgeport (8.5).
  14. And it's not the first time either. Blizzard of 2016 only measured 11.5 everyone else 13 to 15. Either I am in a weird snow hole or I measured too late after compaction. Will await Fairfield and Easton reports to verify or throw away. I am about 1 mile north of Fairfield boarder.
  15. Easton CT peepes any measurements? I measured 7.5 but given that central Park I believe got 10 and other reports in area I think my measurement is low. Something is wrong with my yard!
  16. GEFS and GEPS look solid throughout. Only have EPS to day 10 looks good. In other board they said EPs looses ao and NAO end of month. Hopefully a reload or switch to -epo to offset?
  17. Thanks Don. I am curious to see the central Park total when they update. Hopefully we get a couple more opportunities while the AO is negative!
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