I do feel a south trend but not sold on a hook to eastern areas YET (at least not the 2 foot type) I still think something similar to the below.... Which is similar somewhat to UKMET V.16
What are your thoughts on the storm.
In one "camp" u have the EURO with the wide right scenario.
In the other camp you have GFS V.16 ukmet and Canadian with a more tucked scenario.
EURO obviously gets higher weight. However being on its own has to be a red flag.
Looking at other forums looks like NAO/AO should stay negative for the next few weeks based on polar vortex being weak.
If we can just get the MJO into 8!
Apologies for missing the measurement.
Thinking about this, what is the best way to remediate accurately?
Would it be fair to go with 0.5? It's not an official measurement however do not want to under report.