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Everything posted by LIWeatherGuy29

  1. Storms popping up over the usual stomping grounds. No rain here today and very little yesterday. I'm hoping the rain to my west and north can make its way over here but I doubt that it will.
  2. Mostly heavy rain here. little thunder and lightning. It wasn't severe here.
  3. Storms weakening like usual before making it to the South Shore. Hoping we get rain soon it hasn't rained in 11 days here.
  4. Had lots and lots of constant lightning here but no wind. I have no idea why there was no wind here. Either way it was one of the best lightning storms that I've seen here.
  5. Missed all the rain today to my north and just a town away :(. I'm hoping the storms in New Jersey make it here without weakening.
  6. I was between storms. Storms missed missed me to the south and north like usual. It rained heavy for 4 minutes. constant lightning around me though.
  7. What's going on there? My dad lives in Dobbs Ferry. No rain on the south shore of long Island yet.
  8. Yep, No substantial rain on the south shore for 15 days now. I'm going to have to water a lot of tree's or they will start showing stress soon.
  9. I'm in lynbrook and the rain wasn't that heavy. It lasted just a few minutes.
  10. Had heavy rain for about 10 minutes. At least my potted plants were watered.
  11. Yep, storms headed for me fell apart. Also Port Washington is getting hit hard.
  12. Very heavy rainfall and gusty winds but little thunder and lightning here. Rain lasted 15 minutes.
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