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Everything posted by LIWeatherGuy29

  1. I saw that today..what's causing that? Fire?
  2. For anyone that's interested here's the radar loop which is from the radar site Weather Underground:
  3. Can anyone post a full radar loop of TS Elsie on Long Island? For some reason I can't see the past radar loop on Cod.edu. Thanks
  4. I've been watching storms on radar for over 20 years and that area in NJ often gets the strongest thunderstorms before they weaken. Storms will almost always weaken before hitting Southwest Nassau County or miss me completely. The better area for Thunderstorms in Nassau County is the north shore such as Port Washington, Westbury through Garden City.
  5. Hi, what Rain Gauge do you use and recommend? Thanks
  6. Finished with 1.26 inches of rain between yesterday and today which is the heaviest soaking in quite awhile here.
  7. It thundered here a couple times with steady to heavy rain. 0.70" of rain so far today.
  8. How's it looking for Long Island?
  9. Finally got some rain today breaking the 2 week dry spell here. I got 0.37 inches of rain in total since this morning.
  10. Had very little rain on the South Shore of Nassau County rain missed to the east...I'm hoping some rain from the south or west makes it here later.
  11. No rain here in 13 days. The rain dissipated before reaching Long Island...What do you think caused that?
  12. No rain in 10 days here and the ground is drying out. Todays rain missed me to the northeast and northwest.
  13. Had mostly light rain here with some steady rain for a short period. The Majority of rain missed me to the west and east. The storms fell apart before making it to me.
  14. Storms for the most part are looking to miss me to the south. Last Wednesday was the last time it rained here.
  15. Some thunder and lightning and a heavy downpour here. The worst part of the storm went to my south though.
  16. Looks like a bow echo heading for Great Neck
  17. Strongest part of the storm will be to my north as usual.
  18. On and off light to moderate rain now.
  19. Storms are missing me to the north and south again. I had very little rain today.
  20. The main storm hit Oceanside and missed me a town away :(. Just a drop of rain here.
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