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Everything posted by LIWeatherGuy29

  1. Last decent rain here in SW Nassau County was June 29th. Very little rain here since then.
  2. Felt the house shaking here too in Lynbrook.
  3. Yep, only rained heavy for around 5 minutes here in Southwest Nassau County.
  4. Only rained heavy for about 10 minutes here on the South Shore of Nassau County but it was the heaviest rain in a couple months.
  5. Rained fairly heavy here in Lynbrook for around 3 minutes. I can't recall the last time it rained here it's been so long.
  6. Just like clockwork storms heading for SW Nassau County weakened. Not a drop of rain here today.
  7. SW Nassau County has been very dry. It looks like the main part of the storms in New Jersey will miss me to the North.
  8. Not a drop of rain here in Southwest Nassau County today. Storms were North and East of here.
  9. Had just a few drops here in Southwest Nassau
  10. Had some heavier rain here today here in Southwest Nassau which was the first rain in 11 days. Had about 0.17 inches of rain here.
  11. No rain here yet in Southwest Nassau Only 0.03 inches this morning.
  12. Haven't had much rain here in Southwest Nassau recently. The ground is drying out. Last decent rain here was on June 3rd which was around a quarter of an inch.
  13. Mostly short duration light rain here in Southwest Nassau. The main storms went north and west of here.
  14. Had very heavy rain here in Southwest Nassau but no winds. Had some thunder and lightning too.
  15. Small hail here in Lynbrook now. Had a few showers this morning.
  16. It's been dry here as of late in southwestern Nassau. The last decent rainfall here was on September 24th.
  17. Storms fizzled out before reaching western LI. Yesterday we had a good soaking of rain for over an hour here. Also had loud thunder and lightning.
  18. Looks like the storms will miss just to my north unlike yesterday but I'll know soon.
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