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Everything posted by Arnold214

  1. This pork pipe still alive and well in the HRRR. Will it verify?
  2. I get screwed rawdogs but i kind of expect that will all the dry air in place up north. Gonna struggle....
  3. I think for you (and me) it all hinges on the strength of that temperature gradient (and hence the strength of the frontogenesis) around 600 mb. As well as how long it takes for those flakes to cut through the very dry air in place. If the mid level low opens up or starts to occlude and as a result doesn’t allow for that strong mid level ascent, then we’re kinda porked.
  4. I think it will be. But if it isn’t, on the bright side, you’ll have plenty of ham for Christmas.
  5. Lol, Rockingham county is totally pork piped. By miss piggy with a s**** - on.
  6. Streamlines probably have some sort of smoothing factor involved.
  7. Most of the HREF members are very high res. Could just be local upslope/downslope effects also.
  8. Porky pig will probably remain just north of your fanny.
  9. That pork pipe there near MHT on several models that it's actually showing up on the NBM. That area caught between 2 forcing mechanisms.
  10. That northern band is tied nicely to warm front at 600mb. Strongly sloped ascent in the mid levels is good for the soul.
  11. Kootchie likes the white stuff too much in this here case.
  12. Don't want to drop a sonde down someone's chimney.
  13. I know wxbell and pivotal weather have it. I haven't looked elsewhere but it should be.
  14. I think a few more may have been added...but the general idea.
  15. Yeah almost 200k out. Should put us in the top 10 as far as outages go.
  16. Not sure why that is. It’s possible that sv sets snow algorithm to 0 when temp is >32. With that said, wb could end up being too high in places due to weaker forcing.
  17. A lot of interesting things are bound to happen tomorrow. Some people are going to stay rain longer than thought and some will go over to snow quicker. I’m just watching run after run of the HRRR to find continuity and so far it seems to be alright.
  18. That only has lewiston maine getting 3”. I’d be fairly shocked if it was that low. The only way i can see that happening if we warm sectored aloft and the banding stayed to the west then dissipated.
  19. Wow, nice. The Sugarloaf Ski area should get wrecked pretty good.
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