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Moderator Meteorologist
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Everything posted by Arnold214

  1. Really happy for all you guys and gals down there. Enjoy it to the fullest. Up here in southern Maine we have zero snow on the ground believe it or not. Living vicariously through you all! Enjoy!
  2. Always so fascinating to watch things unfold like this. I can see the low level strato cu near sfc level in the eye when zooming in now. Pressures continue to fall on my brother's Davis in Fort Myers even though the storm continues to move away.
  3. 14" with a mess on our hands that's for sure. Trees, lines, poles.
  4. My trees are sagging like you after a pitcher of Long Island Iced Teas.
  5. I have this piece of sh*t maple tree that partially overhangs the driveway. It's diseased. It keeps cracking with every wind gust but won't come down. I know I'm gonna have to end up cutting it. Just fall!!!!
  6. Power is flickering. Just make up ur f'n mind.
  7. The good stuff is just about gone in Gray. Radar looks like crap to the south. animated.mov
  8. Things are getting iffy here. Starting to hear some crackage out there. Pop pop
  9. Haha, I forget the date. But that was horrid. 2" of Nickelodeon slime and then pop pop.
  10. I've got just about an inch of mashed potatoes here in gray me. The pines and birches already feeling it a bit.
  11. Driving to work at 10 PM in Gray last night was like driving 7 miles on a beach.
  12. Your nest cam was used today in the office for awhile. Watched the downsloping do it’s work on the clouds.
  13. In addition, both the 18z nam and 18z hrrr have a s-n oriented updraft helicity swath over my folks house on eastern LI that extends northward into Old Saybrook CT.
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