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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. It's not like they were fake snowfalls. They did occur. I'd agree if you're talking about met winter but they do count towards the seasonal snowfall (Jul 1 to June 30). Saying otherwise is ignoring snowfall.
  2. You think that's bad, I remember one winter in the 80s where a heavy frost was a big deal...lol
  3. I think the freezing line was above that. I'm at 650' and didn't see any ice this morning but I did see ice above 900' so it was very limited. The area along 190 and JMH was icy but below that was just wet. They should have taken a ride up 84 to Union. Instead of a hill top it's basically the whole town above 1000'. They could have gone to the Travelers Restaurant.
  4. That's interesting because the 1000' station in Union is reporting 33°. Must be localized...
  5. I believe this has been discussed before and with this retro winter weather I was taking a look at the Winter Severity Index for a comparison of past winters. https://mrcc.illinois.edu/research/awssi/indexAwssi.jsp I'm still compiling data but this winter #3 for my location with 374 points but the final tally won't be known till March or April. It's interesting how places are in the extreme category up north while locations are in the "mild" category relatively close by. In any event, I thought it was an interesting way to objectively compare the severity of the winter.
  6. I was noting that earlier. Anytime the sun feels warm isn't that bad. Last Monday was way colder. -8° at my house this morning.
  7. I seem to recall that there was some investigation into that at the time and that the observer was caught reporting bogus numbers. I think they went so far as to setup a thermograph nearby. I don't remember all the details.
  8. I was looking at the forecast for where my in-laws live in central Illinois and normally they are milder than where we are but the forecast for Wednesday has a high of -11°. That's pretty intense stuff for that latitude. Up in Minnesota it's highs in the minus teens and lows near -40. I'd love to chase that if I had the time.
  9. Relax dude...You asked where you could find reports for Litchfield County. I gave you a link where they would be. I didn't say that there were any at the time but that's where you would find them. Moments later (within 30 minutes) there was a report. I'm glad it helped.
  10. Just checked my temp (cooling off from the Pats win!!) and I'm down to 3°.
  11. Hmmm... CONNECTICUT ...Litchfield County... Canaan 6.0 432 PM 1/20 WeatherNet6
  12. Yeah, it was a mix of sleet and zr for while. I knew the line was going to be close last night. I hope too many folks don't have power issues with the wind coming tonight and the cold tomorrow. I measured about 7 this morning and averaged 6.1".
  13. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=ALY&product=PNS&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off
  14. We had more sleet up here I think. Accretion is about 0.1-0.2" here but looks more like 0.2-0.3" there. Nice mood snow now...looking forward to the cold tomorrow.
  15. That's much better than I thought he used. I though he got his difax charts via shortwave weather fax.
  16. I witnessed this happening (not someone dying but sheets of ice falling from skyscrapers) in 1998 in Montreal. I basically couldn't leave the island for three days because the bridges were all closed because of fears of falling ice off the structures. Walking around the streets during the day you'd hear this whistling sound and everyone would run for cover and a large sheet of ice would land somewhere. It was not fun.
  17. 12° here. Wintry temps but could use some white on the ground. Not a good morning for the furnace to stop working!
  18. I'll do it as well...can you PM me the current info? Thanks!
  19. It should be interesting to see how October and later plays out. It doesn't look like anything BN long term but we'll certainly see waves BN. Throw in some cyclogenesis and we could see some interesting setups.
  20. It affects it, but not as much as you're thinking it will. If you send an arctic air mass over it, it's not going to be suddenly 80's and sunny here. The water will also cool over time, lessening the effect. It's not like it's going to stay at the same temp all winter...lol.
  21. Stafford & Union must have a fair amount of stressed out trees...lol Besides, it's 9/16, not 9/30. Peak isn't for another month or so here and 6 weeks for the valley. The leaves changes not only by temperature but by daylight as well. It's a balance of the tree being able to produce the sugar it needs given the temperature with the amount of daylight available. I remember one year, I think it was 1988 or 1989 when I was at Lyndon where we had a very warm and storm free late Summer/early Fall and not only did the leaves change late but when the leaves changed they stayed on trees for a very long time. It gave the effect that it looked like peak from Connecticut to Northern Vermont. Perhaps we'll get one of those years?
  22. Doesn't look ever lasting, at least at this point but I'm sure you'll say otherwise.
  23. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too. I have big maple sugar order and the process isn't conducive with humidity. The drier air will do me good!
  24. It's always "and beyond" or "never ending"..lol. Some how I think we'll manage to get some breaks and a pattern change at some point.
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