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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. One of my favorite places to visit out west is Stanley, ID. It's a great basin and climate. Nice warm days and cold nights. Lots of recreation out there and the mountains look like the Tetons but without the crowds.
  2. I don't know that I'd call upper 80s "hot" in summer. Isn't that pretty typical?
  3. Did here. Nice brief shower with pea sized hail mixed in. Otherwise it was a gorgeous day and looks like another one on tap after a morning low in the 40s.
  4. I've seen the same amount up here. I even picked one up on one of my game cams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJNifqz1oI&t=283s
  5. 40° for the low here. I was hoping to squeeze out a 39° but it was not to be. Glad to see that there were lots of 30s around though. Great sleeping weather!
  6. We did? Even the tarmac at BDL didn't hit it. My warmest day that month was 70°.
  7. I think it was 1-2" but we're splitting hairs. That's still more than 0.5". That grass was pretty thick. At the rest area there were people making snowmen pretty easily so definitely more than and inch from what I could see. My point was that the official reports weren't reflective of ground observations. Besides, it was neat to see on Mothers Day! lol...still better than 0".
  8. Yesterday I drove through the Berkshires on I-90 and there was several inches of snow at the peak, particularly just east of the I-90 high point. I'm surprised the reports only show 0.5". https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=ALY&product=PNS&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off
  9. lol...it looks like a camera from the 50s. Television was in it's infancy in the 30s. edit - it's an RCA TK-11 from 1952.
  10. I remember when I was at Lyndon seeing snow in the evergreens like that at the end of the spring semester. I thought it was great to hold onto natural snow into May.
  11. I thought those trees had full leaves on them?
  12. Yep...I would like 45 though. 55 is good but why not drier so you can really enjoy outdoor activities? Seems like "we" go through this every summer. It's a delusion that people have and they think that everyone thinks like they do. When someone doesn't agree, they are just denying what they really like. Oh well...
  13. That's leaf out. How about full leaf out? Sure leaves come out in the spring but you refer to it as full leaf out as if the full leaf is out when it's still barely out.
  14. That's your definition. No one else goes based on that. Full leaf out to most people means that the complete leaf is out, not the juvenile version of it. Did you refer to your kids as adults when they were born?
  15. Yeah, the 1955 floods have nothing on that one. https://www.weather.gov/nerfc/hf_august_1955 https://www.usgs.gov/centers/dakota-water/science/red-river-basin-flooding?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects Take a look at the CFM flows between the two. Perhaps in terms of annual floods but I think that some of our worst events rank up there with some of the biggest floods in the U.S. Here's an independent listing of the top 30 floods in the country and 5 of the 30 are floods that happened here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/economy/2018/07/24/worst-floods-in-american-history/37070093/
  16. You should look up 1927, 1936, 1955 and to a limited extent October 2005. At least locally in some places that last one was nearly as bad as 1955 but 1955 was much more widespread. There's other events like Irene in Vermont that are certainly enhanced by topography. Some of the floods I mentioned are listed here but there are other sources as well: https://www.weather.gov/nerfc/HistoricFloods I'm sure our resident Sultan can chime in as well.
  17. 28° here. Pretty solid frost out there, even foggy. This should be a good morning for Fakersville.... Maybe teens?
  18. My wife and son hadn't been in the valley for a little while and were really surprised just how much further along things are but it's really just the time of year. A month or so later and it really won't matter.
  19. I've been doing a spring time lapse in the woods behind my sugar house in the CT River Valley for my youtube channel and I'm on week 6. You can see small leaves on red maples and growth coming up from the forest floor but I would say that we are behind here too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=013j_KVXzW0 Here in Stafford it's about a week behind that so hang in there.
  20. Looks like that area of rotation on the radar was just east of my house by a couple of miles. Be interesting to see if it reached the ground.
  21. FWIW, my average winter snow cover is 5" with 65 days continuous coverage with a peak of 16". Unless you're on a hilltop, it also generally cools off at night with only a handful of nights 70 or above. It helps take the edge off of peak climo.
  22. I don't think I've seen this site mentioned but I recently came across a neat tool for looking at different layers of weather: https://www.windy.com/?42.118,-72.606,5 There's a ton of different layers and it kind of reminds me of the SPC's Mesoscale Analysis tool but with layers that are not available there. Just thought I would share it.
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