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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. Like you said previously, will it last is the big question. There's still plenty of time before September. I think we'll have stretches of heat and higher Dp's but last summer was almost non-stop with 70+ dews. I remember people posting graphs showing the hours and anomalous it was. There's still plenty of time but it just does not look like that is happening.
  2. That's for Monday at 6PM and that shading looks like Dp's in the 50s. Thanks for showing that we'll have Dp's in the 50s before September.
  3. Maybe he can't see that far? That's pretty much what it's been. In the 20 days since 6/21, I've had 1 morning in the 40s, 5 mornings in the low 50s and 7 mornings in the upper 50s. So out of the past 20 mornings of this stretch of HHH with Dp's above 60 I've some how been able to cool into the 40s and 50s on more than half of the days. Now, the days have been warm/hot which is why I've had AN days but it's not last summer with relentless 70+ Dp's.
  4. Sunday? Sunday Night? It's not last summer. Last summer we were tracking the number of hours the Dp's were above 70, now it seems the goal posts have moved and we have to use 60s? Again, where is the HHH except for brief windows? It's not been constant since 6/21.
  5. When did temps a few degrees above normal become a torch? Are 30s in January a torch now? I had to chuckle at BDL's ob on the roundup...the heat index was lower than the actual temp: CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS BRADLEY INTL PTSUNNY 91 58 32 VRB3 29.99S HX 90 What a way to run a "heat wave"...lol
  6. We have one maybe two of the H's but no HHH.
  7. He's on a hill top and thinks everyone lives on a hill top. Everyone below him was in the upper 50s and 99.9% of the population lives below him. There are some people like this station in Union that are over 1,000' had lows in the upper 50s: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCTUNION5 Even the hill top AirNow station at 990' here in Stafford was in the low 60s but again, he insists that because he was in the upper 60s that everyone else was and temps in the 50s were the exception.
  8. See the above posts. Most people do not. Thankfully we've had some H and not much HH.
  9. Yes, thank you. It's one of those subjects that gets brought up every year and "we" has to discuss it.
  10. There is no debate. Some people like to live in a world of alternative facts.
  11. That's an insult to most people who don't like high humidity. You need a larger circle of friends and fewer beers. People like heat, not humidity. We've been over this and over this and even shared polls of people outside of the weather community and you still don't get it.
  12. Two out of three aren't bad. So it's a HHH day? Talk about moving goal posts...
  13. It is an AN month and looks to continue being so. One point though about the map, it's only through 7/7 which was Sunday morning. It doesn't have the past two days of BN readings, particularly the coop stations which tempers some of those anomalies. For myself, through this morning I'm running under 1° AN.
  14. Last summer is not walking through the door. Last summer left the building. Sure it's an AN stretch at peak climo but it doesn't look anything like last summer. Obviously we both won't know until all is said and done but there will be breaks IMHO.
  15. In July? That's unheard of! No one would have predicted that.
  16. Or a Stihl this summer could take care of them. The STEM site's dp's clearly dropped into the 50s before settling into the low 60s so 64 was not the lowest dp all day. https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCTTOLLA21/graph/2019-07-7/2019-07-7/daily
  17. I always make a point of doing stuff outside even when it's really cold. Wind does make it hard but I'll still go out. I enjoy those conditions like you enjoy the HHH conditions. I appreciate both because without the HHH weather, I probably wouldn't appreciate the arctic conditions when they come.
  18. A lot of what you mention is climo. The further north you go the less frequent heat & humidity get. It's all about the wave heights. The next 30 days are peak climo for me, all within a degree though it starts tailing off after the 24th. My long term average is 80/58 right now and peaks at 81/59. I think we're going to average AN but I do agree that we'll see some intrusions of BN like yesterday which is a contrast to last summer. I don't think it will go down as the summer of HHH like last year but rather the summer of CHSH (clear, hot, sometimes humid) lol
  19. I take it you mean BDL? I've yet to hit 90°... I remember after a couple of warm March's you declared it was the new climate regime and that folks should get used to it. 5 of my coldest March's have occurred since then.
  20. Are you still calling for 60 days of mostly 90s and no dewpoints under 60? It definitely looks like an AN stretch heading into peak climo. I don't know if it's as much dread as having a preference. Kind of like having a preference to installing air conditioners in April so you're not doing it on a hot day or choosing to do outdoor chores yesterday as opposed to Saturday. Some people preferred doing them on Saturday and some people preferred Sunday. I don't think the Sunday people "dreaded" Saturday though.
  21. Are you calling for no dewpoints below 60 for the next 60 days?
  22. Peack climo for the next month. Heat and warmth shouldn't surprise anyone.
  23. Someone said none of that reaches south of the pike?
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