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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. That's not what we're talking about. You said your temp didn't drop into the 50s last night because you had 15 MPH winds this morning. Also, you asked what the temp was at ORH as if that was a better analog than 2 stations at a similar elevation and one being a hill top, just like you.
  2. He'll also accept Dp's at swampy coastal stations. Even with all the goal posts moving, we are still no where close to a DC climate.
  3. 15MPH? The STEM was reporting a 5MPH gust at that time. Where were you that there were 15MPH winds? Gusts to 25? Even with localized wind in the Tolland area, why would all those stations also be in the 50s this morning? I'm just wondering why you wouldn't want to go with two local stations that are better analogs than one further away and not even remotely close to your surroundings.
  4. How about the similar elevation hill top in Stafford at 58°: https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/timeseries.php?sid=A3484&num=72&banner=gmap&raw=0&w=325 They have it listed 800' but it's over 950' and a hill top, just like your place. Then there's that site in Union over 1K at 56°: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCTUNION5 Both are closer and similar environments.
  5. I'm looking forward to a trip next month to your neck of the woods. We'll be spending a few days in Moosehead region before moving on to the Gaspe. My wife has never seen a moose and calls them the "Sasquatch" of New England.
  6. Actually, you said very little. Meaning, 1 or 2. We exceeded that just in July alone. I'm glad you can spin your claims to fit any narrative that you come up with. Kind of like read post after post of people saying how hot it's been and then say those same people are claiming it was cool. Or, calling for 70+ Dp's and then using the swampiest stations to validate that. In the 24 days after 7/7, 11 days had Dp's under 60 using your criteria. Do you consider that very little? https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/ct/windsor-locks/KBDL/date/2019-7
  7. The post above in July is when you called for 60 days of relentless Dp's above 60. I'm sure you'll spin it some how but that clearly has not and does not appear to be the case.
  8. Mine always reads high because I have mine by the window. Can't say I'm not jealous of the boundary to north but we'll get ours. Today I heard the buzz of a cicada which always makes its appearance in August and is a harbinger of things to come. For those that love warm/hot summer weather, enjoy it while it lasts for the march of time is every present.
  9. Don't you hate that? I wish I could help but can't but it's annoying watching a video that skips over the important parts or just make it look so easy. Good luck...I'm sure you'll figure it out.
  10. I'm giving up counting because the goal posts just keep moving. You're gonna "win" no matter what because you keep changing the rules. At first your call was for 15 days after citing BDL as the "official" station for all of CT but then cited coastal areas and now you're citing your own station? Is the goal to find any station anywhere in SNE that has a Dp of 70+ and that means all of SNE has a Dp of 70+? Then there's the business of taking a one hourly ob and saying it represents the whole day. Congrats!
  11. All this bee talk reminds me of last summer when my son left the door open a little bit to my maple packing house while we were working on a large order for maple sugar. The next day there had to be thousands of yellow jackets in the room. They literally ate many pounds of maple sugar before I could get them under control. Thankfully it was September/October and when the it got cold enough they just went away. I was worried about them coming back this year but they have not returned.
  12. He called for 15 days of dews 70+ this month. He then chooses the swampiest locations to verify instead of places right in his backyard. Only in Kevin's mind could 1 hour = 24 hours. Then again I'm talking about the person who reads multiple people post about how hot it's been and then say those same people have been talking about how cool its been.
  13. How do we already have one? One station for one hour in 48 hours = 1 day? I don't agree with that or selecting a coastal station just for that purpose.
  14. If I said +1 to +2 am I showing a cold bias? Just asking for a friend.
  15. You've made that claim several times. Can you quote one person - just one - who has said it has not been hot over all? You also say that people are ignoring the few 10 days of "Augdewst" - is it supposed to be really humid the past couple of days?
  16. lol, no. The low was 55°. That was thirty nine mornings where I've had lows in the 50s since met summer began. Actually, that's low because the average/normal low even in July is 59°. I'm short on 70+ mins with only one so far because thankfully it hasn't been that humid and the temp has been able to drop at least into the 60s.
  17. lol...39 so far here in this torched summer. Only one 70°+ low.
  18. How does that make sense? Let's say you have a site that hits it one hour every day for the next 15 days. That's 15 hours out of 360 hours yet that counts as 15 days of having 70+ Dp's? Why are we using a coastal site, BTW?
  19. Ahhh, I asked that question many times. So only one 70+ Dp a day counts the entire day? Any why are we using a coastal location again?
  20. 35 so not that long but enough to provide some comparison.
  21. Me too. Is that when we'll have all the 70+ Dp's? I don't think today qualifies.
  22. My average temp for July was 71.5° or 2.1° above normal. It missed making my top 10 list by 0.1°. It was a pretty wet month with 6.25" of precip making it my 6th wettest July. I had 2 90° days and just missed it on 4 other days.
  23. August is off to a Foggy start around here.
  24. Hippy Valley is probably looking up and all he hears are planes circling...lol
  25. Peak foliage in this corner of CT is mid-October. Leaves start changing about 4 weeks before that in swampy areas.
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