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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. It's wrong here too. I had 12" and so did a lot of the 1K elevations to my east. That map makes it look like they stopped in the CT River Valley when it was most of NE CT.
  2. That season was very hard on me financially in the maple business. I lost a lot of money. Spent the entire winter just trying to get access to my woods only to have warm weather make it an even crappier season. It took me years to recover from the loses that season. Don't get me wrong, I loved the storm but could do without that season.
  3. Youtube is good if you like sports and cable channels as well. It doesn't have NFL Redzone or the NFL Network but you can watch those OTA if you just follow one local team. If you want those in addition to what YouTube TV has, Fubo TV has those channels for $55/mo.
  4. Take a look at tvfool.com It will tell you what signals reach your house and that will determine what you can use. Some people can use indoor antennas others not so much. With an outdoor antenna you can get so many more channels/markets. I cut the cord over a decade ago and haven't looked back. I'd be glad to help if you need advice. Here's a generic look at what can be received in Moosup: http://www.tvfool.com/?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=29&q=id%3d9038db977e85b5 You can specify your address for a more accurate report. You should be able to receive anything over +10dB with an indoor antenna and you'd be able to receive anything over about -15dB with a decent amplified outdoor antenna. It looks like you'd be able to receive Hartford, Providence and Boston channels.
  5. Looks like 44° here. 1° "warmer" than yesterday.
  6. You mean later next week? The first part looks cool again. After that, yeah, it looks like a good stretch of warmer weather.
  7. You'd think that someone from the supervising office would have reviewed one of these and told him not to include that. They go to all the time and expense to install a set of equipment and then include data from non-QC'd instruments in the record? I know it's a comment but it's still part of the record. I know when I was a co-op observer that someone would look over my sheets and if they had questions, they would come back to me. I'm just surprised that is not done.
  8. 44°: https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=ALY&product=HYD
  9. Good call. I was joking about the 20s. Looks like the co-op was 44°...6° warmer than the exposed max/min. I should get one of those and post temps from Stafford.
  10. Any word from Twitterverse about Fakersville? If I got to 43° perhaps they made it to the 20s?
  11. Looks like 43° ATTM. Lower than I thought. House is chilly! I'll check the "official" low at 7. Looks like warmer weather later this week and another great weekend just in time for Labor Day weekend.
  12. Nothing wrong with a warmish fall with cooler breaks before putting the hammer down on winter. I remember one in the late 80s that featured little in terms of storms and you could drive from New Haven through half of Vermont and see foliage.
  13. Nothing says summer like a day with a high of 70 and low of 50 which are my normals in May and September. Really awesome day to get stuff done outside. What's nice about this time of year is a little but of everything for everyone. Cooler days, warmer days, ect.
  14. 69° at 2PM in August under clear skies isn't too bad for a summer day. lol at BDL at 75°. Majority of stations are around 70°
  15. I got an email today from a vendor touting "Now that summer is fading...". That tells you that the public knows it as well.
  16. I had scattered drizzle most of my way in from Stafford to Springfield.
  17. I think Fubo has the NFL Network & Red Zone.
  18. I don't know how you think fall is depressing but to each his own. It's my second favorite after winter. It's beautiful from the foliage to cooler weather that allows you get stuff done without sweating your a** off. It's also warm enough that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and do things outside without freezing your a** off. I like having 4 distinct seasons that transition into one another. Everything has a time that it comes into being, peaks and fades away. For awhile it seems like it will last forever but everything has it's time and fades away.
  19. I recalling feeling the same way about December '92, particularly when the "Blizzard of '93" came on it's heels. It was such a turning point. Too bad I left the weather business within a couple of years.
  20. Well said. There were some good seasons like 87 or 88 but the 3 years that followed were putrid (save December 1989).
  21. Yeah, that's good data. I keep track of the total numbers greater than a certain threshold but I don't break it down by season. I just like to know how many events I have greater than 1" or greater than 6" or greater than 10" for example. I like the break down in Will's. Speaking of the data, I like how there are two seasons in the 80s with no events greater than 6". I'm glad I was in High school and college. I can't imagine being a little kid.
  22. I like how you ignore that it's mostly 70s/50s in that forecast and focus on the minority of the days with "dews". It's been like that all summer. Sure, higher Dp's will be back for a few days but it's not "and beyond".
  23. Nah, it'll be 70s by then in the middle of the night.
  24. The map was for 6z on Sunday. Are you calling for 70s at 6z on Sunday?
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