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Everything posted by Poker2015

  1. Out of the yellow and oranges, but still coming down pretty good... 5" now
  2. Yeah, I wasn't expecting to be under a heavy band of snow for this long...love surprises!!
  3. Steady snow here in Branchburg. Roads are completely white and looks like an inch or so right now.
  4. Finally back to light snow for the past hour or so...anyone in my area measure lately? I know Somerville was at 18 inches around 12pm...maybe we picked up an inch since then...need another band to come through
  5. Yeah, I can verify that...I finished snowblowing an hour and a half ago...just measured in my driveway and we have 6" more...maybe an inch was there when I came inside
  6. We are at 14-15" right now and still very heavy snow...been under that mega band for a couple hours now
  7. 9 and change in Branchburg as of 15 mins ago. Probably over 10 now at the rate it's coming down...huge flakes
  8. A few more people in our area have started posting during storms, which is great...I know of at least 3 people from Branchburg on here...
  9. Just cleared off 5 inches here in Branchburg. Somerset County right on the Hunterdon border.
  10. My town went fully virtual today because of this...0 accumulation and wet roads
  11. Just measured 6 here a little while ago I'm Branchburg...that big band coming could get us to 10+ real quick
  12. I'm trying to learn more about maps like this...where do you want to be in that for the best snow? In the deep red or just northwest like I saw on something similar that someone mentioned?
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