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Everything posted by Poker2015

  1. I'm down the road a little west of you, not in the hills. Sticking fine in Branchburg everywhere except the roads, but I think that might start happening very soon. 3" on my table and an inch in the backyard where its not a swamp. Down to 32 exactly again and moderate snow.
  2. Does 3" on a table on my patio count? My lawn has been totally white for a while in the non swampy spots too.
  3. Does the WeatherNJ guy post in here? Has a website and facebook page.
  4. 20 mins west of you and everything is white, coming down hard too.
  5. Sorry, just saw this. It mixed with snow a few times yesterday, but nothing sticking.
  6. Slushy road and white mulch here in Branchburg. This is more than I expected.
  7. This was a nice surprise. Over 3" of rain in under an hour and 4.5" so far.
  8. You didn't get anything? I'm a little west of you and we got over 4" and most of it came in about an hour.
  9. Wow, your side of town only got that much? We are at 4.5" and just slowed down to a light rain...
  10. 100.9 and a heat index of 112...its hot
  11. Show off!! I only got .59"
  12. Yeah, I only got .48" and i'm not far from FPIZZ
  13. Would the .48" of rain I got last night change my area back to D0? Or need alot more than that.
  14. Where in town are you? Behind my back fence is an area thats usually wet, looks like the moon too now.
  15. just hit 101.3...make it 3 days in a row of triple digits!!
  16. 98.6 with a heat index of 108...getting close
  17. Sounds about right for Somerset County. My weather station hit 101.3 yesterday.
  18. I'm a few miles from Duke estate too...98.6 on my weather station always a hot area
  19. 94.8 with a real feel of 102...will we get to 100 today? Probably...
  20. Yeah, its been so hot and just going to get hotter. Did you get any rain yesterday? We got absolutely nothing and i'm not too far from you.
  21. Its disgusting out there. My weather station said 93 degrees and feels like 103...yuck
  22. I'm in Branchburg too, on County Line Rd. I can throw a baseball to Readington from here.
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