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Everything posted by Rd9108

  1. Same is happening in Pittsburgh. 20 miles north and it's been just a parade of storms.
  2. Looking like the city will be on the southern edge of the good cells. Oh well.
  3. Just some little lightning at this point would suffice. Not really wanting crazy hail but it does feel like a winter screw job.
  4. So far all of the storms have been north of the city. Hopefully one of these babies can get further south. I'm doubting it.
  5. Suck it up buttercup because that's exactly what we are about to get.
  6. Absolutely insane that we are getting another 2 inches of rain. I'm honestly sick of it. We are getting insane amounts of moisture but we just can't keep the cold air whenever the moisture arrives. Maybe with the MJO going into favorable phases we may can get something decent but I am skeptical.
  7. This hobby isnt really even enjoyable anymore. See you later guys I wont be posting anymore on this account. It stresses me out for no reason and I'm job already gives me enough stress.
  8. This never works in our favor. It always pushes warm air further north than modeled. I'm done ranting, this hobby is terrible living where I do.
  9. Well just wasted a whole week tracking a rain storm. Hope you guys get a good thump because it's looking bleak here in PGH.
  10. This is so close to my area. This is about the closest to a now casting event I have seen. Pitt could get all rain or a foot. Goodluck to your area, this has our board on pins and needles.
  11. basically what we deal with usually.
  12. Pittsburgh literally experiences the warm tongue on almost any event. I'm rooting for you guys in southern and central Ohio because this more and more likely looking like a Youngstown special.
  13. I think he means like if the storm is weaker say 1000 instead of 996 it wont the push the r/s line as far north.
  14. Pittsburgh weenies have nightmares that aren't worse than that...
  15. Try having that happen with every big storm.
  16. Looking good for you guys. I'm hoping if we can't get a noticeable shift north that this stays down your way. We've been fringed way too many times up my way.
  17. I know and I'm glad someone atleast got hit but this storm will be remembered for me as radar echoes just disappearing at the county line.
  18. Honestly at this point I have accepted the fact that our area just absolutely sucks for snow. But let's be honest we are atleast wayyyyyyyyyyy overdo for 6-12 type storm. Couldn't tell you the last time the metro had a winter storm warning for plain snow.
  19. Man that storm could be insane for the far eastern coast. They are walking a tight rope right now and it looks like it's trending west on almost every model except GFS. I don't want this thing to come anywhere near us. It's better that NYC gets crushed and us not getting fringed.
  20. I've given up on this winter. Sure I'll follow the models but I can't get invested the way I usually am.
  21. Another cutter day 10 on the Euro. Watch once the cold comes in it will be suppression depression. I demand a refund from wxbell for this ****ty pattern. There was a robin out the other day, poor little guy is gonna die once this epic, cripplin, record breaking cold arrives (typical JB hyping up cold to sell subscriptions).
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