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Everything posted by Rd9108

  1. Damn they are pretty confident that we will get atleast 4 from this.
  2. That would be pretty crazy but I'd be happy with 2 inches to cover everything and then snow showers during the day Christmas.
  3. All I said is NAM is a kick in the nuts. Other models atleast look good.
  4. Seems that even though we may lose this snowpack our chances of having some accumulating snow on Christmas eve/Christmas are good. Then we head into a very favorable pattern toward the end of the month and beginning of January.
  5. Just trying to either hold on to the snowpack or maybe even get a Christmas miracle at this point. What a December though!
  6. To be honest I'd love for a big storm but give me some light snow on Chirstmas eve/Christmas and I'll be happy. I feel like we don't get white Christmases anymore just white Easters.
  7. I'm surprised how many posters we have on this subforum. Definitely more than I thought. We basically have the same amount of snow as all of last year. Let's continue it.
  8. Decided to measure in various places to get a total. Majority of the places was around 10.5-11. On top of my garbage can lid I got a solid 12 inches. Regardless of the total great storm. Looks like maybe a cold front on Christmas. Let's see if we can hold on to some of our snow until then.
  9. May not have had the biggest totals but this storm was great. Most fell during daylight, strong snowbands, and we didn't mix at all.
  10. I have about 10.5 in my backyard. I don't know if ill hit the 12 inch mark but this was a great storm.
  11. I think that's why you should never have a knee jerk reaction to the models.
  12. This. May not be one of our biggest snowfalls but this has been a great storm with some awesome rates.
  13. Looks like our friends in Central PA are gonna see a record storm. Pretty crazy how this thing developed.
  14. Finally a decent storm during the day and I get to sit at home and enjoy it because I was possibly exposed to Covid. I'll take whatever falls.
  15. NAM still has us at 9 inches. Id be happy with 7 or 8 and hope for a big daddy come Jan-Feb
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