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Everything posted by Rd9108

  1. Yep woke up and saw the terrible trends. We need to see them reverse or else these next 2 or atleast the first wave is toast.
  2. Lol right on cue gfs shows cutter after cutter. Hopefully it's wrong. If the euro and ensembles trend to this then I don't like our chances. Can't win against the current seasonal trend.
  3. Call me crazy but I think we may actually finally get some accumulating snow. Now whether that's 2 or 3 inches or 12+ from both storms is yet to be figured out.
  4. You mean the same map where he puts pittsburgh in the completely wrong county too....
  5. Atleast we are possibly back to tracking. We need something at this point even if it's an advisory level event.
  6. At this point give me a 5-8 type storm and I'll be happy. Honestly just sick of the mud.
  7. The signal for a legit winter pattern is there. I guess let's see what happens.
  8. The euro ensembles don't look bad for the next period. Need to see the pattern develop first.
  9. I mean eventually one of these storms won't cut right. These storms can't cut west of us forever.
  10. It's nice to wake up to a frozen ground and some snow on the ground instead of. 5 inches of rain and mud.
  11. Give me one 8-12 event this year and even though winter will be still be awful, I'll atleast get my snow fix.
  12. Might as well give up on this winter. All the guidance is now starting to return the Pacific fire hose. Let's see what happens when we hit this "favorable" period.
  13. Lmao I don't own a VCR. I was just saying that's the only way I can find to watch it anymore.
  14. There's an old nat geo documentary about the superstorm that I liked to watch. It showed the various aspects of it including some kids trapped in the mountain. It looks like it was removed from youtube unfortunately. You can still buy it on VHS!!
  15. Hmm interestingly enough the long range data is starting to show a return of colder air. Get the cold air established and then we can start tracking again. Maybe we can still salvage a 3-4 week period of tracking.
  16. Winters over bust out the golf clubs, yard equipment and baseball gloves!
  17. Gfs actually looks better fwiw. Doesn't cut as hard and brings some backend snow. I don't it's possible to get a pure snow storm but maybe we sneak out like 1-3 from the backend.
  18. Really looks as though some of these minute shifts of the mesos trended slightly north?
  19. Most would sign in blood at this point. Gfs went the opposite direction of this at 6z. Can't believe this is a week away still.
  20. Looks like the next little threat may slide under AGH County. Something to watch as the short range models come in.
  21. And right on cue our next threat is now a cutter. On to the next one, cutters never trend back. Like this is somehow rain in the middle of January That pacific jet needs to die soon or else January may have to be punted
  22. Ehhh until we get within two days of any threat I can't really get excited for anything this winter. Just seems like one of those years where it just doesn't wanna snow.
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