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Everything posted by WeatherWilly

  1. Start the march OBS thread. I'm done with February.
  2. WeatherWX keeps moving the goalposts for an actual snow event. Now it's March 4th. I'll panic when the goalposts are in May.
  3. Looks like mostly rain here next few weeks, but maybe one chance of a light to moderate snow event. Some colder days at least.
  4. The blizzard has been postponed to March 2nd. Though some snow before that and plenty of moisture and cold temps around that time period. Needless to say, we are going to need something to pan out here to save this winter.
  5. After a reversal last night, game is back on.
  6. https://www.weatherwx.com/ Southern Rhode Island There are a few more snow chances before that as well
  7. I'll take an Oreo flavor in large. Thank you.
  8. Rain is the only game in town, because it refuses to snow the few days when it's actually cold enough. Not looking forward to how hot and humid the summers are getting around here now.
  9. Just another rain storm here in the dead of winter. Glad there is some hope up north but winter shows no sign of arriving here.
  10. Terrible ski season. Glad I didn't book my usual trip.
  11. We have a brief-window to get this done before bermuda shorts weather returns.
  12. To answer both questions it's WeatherWX. And it's a more snowy forecast than we have had in a while here.
  13. It's accumulating pretty fast on the south coast. RI news completely ignored the ocean effect snow we knew was a good possibility.
  14. Not really that impressive down here as far as wind or rain. Most power outages are scattered in Rhode Island and almost none at all in the south/southwest part of the state.
  15. It takes a lot to kill a potential white xmas storm thread, but 60 degrees and rain did the job.
  16. There is not much hullabaloo about the upcoming rain storm down here, so might as well talk about it. Looks like a decent chance for a white xmas for us southern folk, with very cold temps in the days following.
  17. Finally some overnight lows I'm the 50s around day 8. But still in the 80s in the daytime.
  18. Still no 90s in the extended forecast here and humidity levels starting tomorrow will be relatively comfortable for quite a while. Yesterday was warm but felt like southern Cali with the dewpoints. Not the summer I expected so far.
  19. Not sure how to grade. With climate change I had low expectations so given that I'd say a B minus. In most past winters probably C or C minus
  20. 9 out of the next 13 days are above average high temps here, so I'm a little puzzled by some of the comments.
  21. Southern southern new england got their big storm thankfully but looks pretty bleak now with above average temps forecasted for the next several weeks.
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