This will be the one time this yr that we need the NW trend or last minute 200 mile jog to the NW and it just doesn't want to happen, just our luck right!
Good for you Matt I too ended up with close to 6" for the event if ya wanna call it that! Yeah, a WWA definitely wasn't warranted in Onondaga cty and I guess they finally realized that cause they pulled them waaaayyyy ahead of the scheduled 10AM expire time, lol! Perhaps they thought no on would notice!
TBH, I absolutely despise WNW winds because the band itself is so temperamental to any fluctuation of the flow that if it moves by 5 degrees, well then you can kiss your band goodbye, lol!
Yeah, IdK about it being similar to that event, unless ur talking about your area, as I picked up c;lose to 14", but if it ever gets its act together and stays over one location then it would perhaps, lol!
I think ur right as the one above looks like its not firing anymore as it makes its approach but the other continues to fire noicely!
No need for correction, ur right !
Its once again re orientating itself and there seems to be 2 bands competing for the same wind flow, lol, one up by Oswego which heads east over Mexico and then SE from there and then theres the one affecting us down here so hopefully they can combine to form one consolidated band, who knows though!
Lake Ontario does not like WNW winds for some strange reason. It seems as though the stretch of land just to the South of Pulaski and to the North Of Oswego, has a hard time sustaining a single band and I believe its from the way its shaped. Its always in a hurry to either head back North or head South past KSYR and every so often we'll get lucky and it'll get held up for a few hrs in between Oscillations and thats usually when we cash in big time!
This band is having a tough time moving South, as it usually does when the band has been steady state but this thing just formed, nuts! A connection between Ontario and Georgian Bay has just been made so the band, once it reaches it furthest destination whether in No. Onondaga or So. Oswego, look for the band to intensify just a bit due to the added moisture from GB!