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Everything posted by CNY-LES FREAK

  1. Well its only 4 days away so its well within range. Now it gets a bit more interesting fo sho! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah thats what I thought cause its definitely anomalous for it to snow [emoji300] in October Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  3. Interesting as thats a pretty nice position one would want to see both the SLP and the HP but the thermals are still well above freezing, weird but this one definitely bears watching especially for the higher elevations of CNY. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  4. Wow and it was primarily on a NNW flow which is even more bizarre, lol, but yeah, it was close. Maybe Brian can chime about the October snow in our neck of the woods cause I dont remember any of them but I could definitely be wrong. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  5. While there is some enthusiasm for the possible event at the end of next week, stay cautious and try not to get too caught up in model runs. Ive lived here for the past 20 yrs and have never seen accumulating snow in October. Can it happen, it sure can and 2020 would be the perfect yr for it to occur, lol, as everything else has this yr, but all kidding aside I doubt we see anything other than a few wet snow flakes mixing in if there is even an event to track. All the models have this event in one form or another so the possibility remains but Id bet for it to head much further NW than what the models are predicting. I do think the EURO out to lunch with its suppression look so early in the season but who knows.
  6. Yeah, its looking like we're in store for a wet and cool Fall and thats good news going forward so I'm crossing my fingers Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah, same here and I love the look of a frosty Fall morning! Looking like a decent warm up next week approaching the low 70's then whack, a big cool down next weekend. I really like what I'm seeing on the extended so we'll see. I just wanna see a Normal Fall followed by a decent Winter, Not too cold with feet of snow, thats not asking for much, right? Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  8. Shes flaring up along the coast of FL and most guidance now keeps her offshore until landfall in the Carolinas somewhere. If she can stay over the Stupid warm waters of the Gulf Stream then I can see her starting to gain some strength so we'll see. Convection is certainly starting to blossom throughout the core but thats been the ebb and flow of this system so far. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  9. Yeah, I noticed that much later as I usually don't even look at models during Tropical Season but I did afterwards and noticed lots not going to good for Isaias but that could change at any moment. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  10. I dont usually visit this thread till late October early November when LES kicks off, well not the last handful of years, lol, but I think they are grossly underestimating this Hurricane because she's about to explode as she exits the big Island of the Bahamas and she heads to Nassau. The water up the whole coast is just stupid warm, something we haven't seen in some time, I'd have to imagine but I could be wrong. I'm not a big Tropical Storm fan but this yr looks to be a big season so I will frequentthis thread especiallythe next few days. We are already on I with a long way to go this season lets just hope its a harbinger of things to come this Winter season! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  11. Glad it's not gonna make it any further East as it warms quickly ahead of the actual CF but tonight into tomorrow morning looks a bit interesting, especially the Tug, as we have some decent wrap around moisture with just enough cold air so we'll see what happens I suppose but either way I hate talking about snow Easter Week! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  12. Wow, is all the petty political bullshit done with cause that was horrific content through and through. Luckily we have no Moderators in here cause some time outs would of definitely been given, lol. I don't metal in politics cause it can get really ugly real quick so back on topic! I hope we don't see any snow and it was inevitable that we were going to see a horrific Spring so, on top of being told to stay home, now the weather's gonna go down the drain, ugh! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  13. Radar has once again filled in nicely after a reprieve from the S+ that fell earlier but its ramping up again and now my P&C is void of any mix and has it snowing till 11PM now, lol. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  14. It's Its been pounding here for a while now with easily 4-5" as the last hour it easily snowed 2-2.5" RLMAO. I haven't looked at the weather in quite some time that's how disappointed as well as uninterested I am in anything occurring this season. I thought March would go on without any threats but that obviously changed. It's been dry otherwise, so there shouldn't be much mud to tend with as temps approach the 60's in a few days so..... Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  15. I dont think we've seen any snow so far so this may be the first March that we go without even a snow shower, watch, now that would be something that I've never seen before, up here anyway! That's what I'm rooting for and we dont need another mud season as we've had 3 already this Winter, if ya wanna call what we just had Winter, Yuck! But this could also be one of those stupid yrs where we can see snow all the way into May, lol, cause this is when we'll see everything line up perfectly, indices wise as well, watch, and we'll have a super below normal April into May and I'll start to bang my head up against the wall if it starts to snow in April, lol! Onondaga is basically shut down except County, State and Federal offices as my girl works for the Health Department in the Civic Center and they still have wrk next week so far but that may change if we see any +'s start to pop up. I cant see how it wouldn't, but I sure as hell hope I'm dead wrong. Shit, the whole Country of N Korea didnt have one confirmed case while S Korea had close to 7000 so that's bizarre. My first Pandemic, and hopefully my last!! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  16. LE rain, gotta love it! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  17. LE rain in early March is great, lol! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  18. Meso Low moving through the area right now. S++ right now but it shouldn't last too long! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  19. She's gonna get hung up somewhere East of Ontario cause it looks like it stopped its Southward movement at the western end of the Lake. Now that would be funny, lol! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  20. I don't think shes gonna just sweep through like most are thinking cause the winds behind the front arent too strong so IMO, it'll somewhat move through but I thinks she just reorients itself out of the WNW
  21. Erie's band is most likely going to get a lot stronger and consolidate into a very strong band with 1-2"/hr rates later this evening into tonight but we'll see! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  22. The band over Ontario is gonna absolutely explode when the energy from the SW and the approaching front combine! I can't wait to watch the radar light up and then for Montagues radar to say, temporarily out of service, lol! The front is now combining with the band and its already getting stronger as the radar lights up bright yellow! NWS said rates approached 3"/he with yesterday's band, well I bet they get higher with the approach of this SW! Awesome stuff Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  23. Nice looking H700 with lots of moisture to wrk with!
  24. Yeah the SW that's heading our way is much stronger than 1st anticipated I guess cause I never saw it getting to the islands but lo and behold, that's where it is, lol! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
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