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Everything posted by CNY-LES FREAK

  1. KCHI is also having a terrible yr as they cant buy a snowstorm! They've seen less than 5" so far and it may be lower than that!
  2. Wow, its seems to be filling in n nicely to our Southwest so thats interesting.
  3. Eventually we're going to get the good ole dry-slot so enjoy whatevers falling because it won;t be for long unless she starts to fill in but I don't see that happening.
  4. Wea are all snow now as all the pinging has stopped, Thank God! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  5. We're about to switch to all snow real soon Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  6. It is trying to snow however but it just can't make it there so it's settling on ZR/IP, The atmosphere is definitely fighting with itself as it doesn't know what to settle on as we're now snowing with big fat parachutes Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  7. ZR/IP has to be the worse combo there is as far as wintry weather is concerned especially when temps are in the upper 20's! Just hope it changes to rain quicker than expected. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  8. Thats a -EPO or perhaps trying to look like one, lol, where theres ridging throughout Western CA so lets all cross our fingers. Theres still too much LP and frankly not enough HP!
  9. from Canadian weather, RMLAO, Wait they are right their just in Celsius!
  10. This is no TORCH, lol, I just want some highs in the 20's for Christ sake, lol!
  11. it's a torch relative to normal as its cold up there bro and I'd love for just some of it to drop, but we wait!
  12. DP's are in the 20's across the area so there'll be no rain for quite some time as we'll most likely wetbulb down into the upper 20's then slowly rebound back into the mid 30's
  13. There an awful lot of talk out there of cold and snow forthcoming, but like many, I just don't see the mechanism to bring a cross-polar flow into the lower 48 but, I can be wrong!
  14. We'll see, perhaps some tweaks were done to it to improve its accuracy! Id like for one of these long range models to be correct just once, just like the weeklies that have been horrible as of late.
  15. I will say this though and thats the fact that JB has touted warmth for this Season since August and everyone else laughed. We'll see who gets the last laugh, lol!
  16. CFSV2 is absolutely horrific as the long range mets from both the NWS & NCEP don't even use it, lol! There is someone who uses it quite often and thats JB, RLMAO!
  17. Look at the moisture associated with this system, WOW, too bad the lion share of it all will be in the form of LIQUID ---in---> JANUARY! It just looks like a much bigger deal than what guidance is showing is all. Happy New Year Y'all!!
  18. What's the point of a thumping of snow before a ton of rain, lol? The 14" I got 3 days ago is almost gone that's how disgusting this Winter is. What a shame, really though Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  19. Bro, if I was to look at this map without knowing what's actually going on, I'd be like the interior NE is gonna get a decent snowfall, simple as that but the last handful of years, it's the complete opposite, WTF! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  20. The rivers around here don't even freeze anymore Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  21. Well I'll tell ya one thing it's definitely not quiet as it seems there's a storm every other day. Id be happy with it at least being in the normal range temp wise as we've been above normal it seems like three years straight.. it will get cold again though in April and May like it does every effing year Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  22. It sure was and I doubt we see something like that for a decade, lol!
  23. if only there was a decently cold airmass around then we'd be in business but its old stale modified arctic leftover air which isn't all that deep by the looks of it by the time it gets here as the return flow from the Atl HP starts to pump warm air relatively speaking our way. it would be a decent overrunning event too!
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