This is exactly why we need a -NAO in Mid-Winter because if there wasn't any blocking, this SLP would be headed for KDET and we'd be seeing mainly liquid so thank God for the -NAO, lol!
I was alive back then but really don't remember much about the weather as I was an infant, lol! This paragraph from CPC is interesting!
The NAO exhibits considerable interseasonal and interannual variability, and prolonged periods (several months) of both positive and negative phases of the pattern are common. The wintertime NAO also exhibits significant multi-decadal variability (Hurrell 1995, Chelliah and Bell 2005). For example, the negative phase of the NAO dominated the circulation from the mid-1950's through the 1978/79 winter. During this approximately 24-year interval, there were four prominent periods of at least three years each in which the negative phase was dominant and the positive phase was notably absent. In fact, during the entire period the positive phase was observed in the seasonal mean only three times, and it never appeared in two consecutive years.