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Everything posted by CNY-LES FREAK

  1. The other thing is how much uncertainty is there actually? Most ensembles have narrowed the goal posts quite a bit with todays guidance but I suppose minor tweaks will be needed but I seriously doubt any drastic changes occur between now and Monday evening but we'll see I suppose!
  2. We all have our own opinion on this matter as many others agree, lol, but I'll just default to KBGM's for now on, thanks, lol!
  3. I cant even bring myself to read KBUF's AFD anymore as their getting worse and worse. Like TS mentioned earlier, WTF are they looking at to even say the most likely outcome for the early week system is for a few inches to fall from KBUF to KROC????? Where on God's green earth are they looking at to get that horrific forecast? I mean we're 2 days away from a potential serious event for the interior Northeast and they decide to just disregard the first event of the week and try to focus on the late week event, WHY????? I really hope one, or several, of those Mets in that office frequent this forum because I know quite a few of the other Northeast NWS office Mets do. Perhaps they would realize that quite a few ppl read their discussions and that KBUF as of late has been just unreadable, simple as that and we have to default to KBGM's discussions which is quite sad if ya ask me!!
  4. Thats why their getting rid of it in a week, lol! I particularly dont care how much precip its printing out cause its always wrong anyway and its not alone cause their all wrong when it comes to amounts but we need them as its like a fix for a fein, lol!
  5. Wow, 850-s are quite cold too, damn so ratios might be through the roof, lol!
  6. Yeah, but the upper levels might get real close to freezing depending on where the H700LP tracks as well as the H850!
  7. And once again the minima is situated right over N'CNY and points NE, what a surprise, RLMAO!
  8. Look at the difference down in the Mid Atlantic between the 10/1" vs the Kuchera??
  9. At the end of the GFS' run look at the COLD AIR rebuilding out in Western Canada waiting to drop the hammer once again across the lower 48, ,lol!
  10. Lots of Atlantic moisture will be thrown back up and over the enormous dome of cold air, Suffice to say that both the H925mb lp as well as the H850mb lp look ideal at the present time but that can change at any time but I'd begin to wonder how much can it actually change at this point?
  11. Looks like the Mid-Atlantic is going to get a boatload of snow the next 7 days Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  12. Yeah, that'll never happen cause it's just too good to be true,lol! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  13. Shear ruined last night's event big time but we were still able to muster a few inches, on to the next one. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  14. The snow that's falling right now in my area has to be the best accumulating snow that I've seen so far this season. It's got to be at least 25-30 to 1 ratio right now easily, styrofoam consistency! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  15. Thats exactly where I live, Sand Ridge and that snow is still at the bottom, lol, as we still never thawed since that event, suffice to say, we've had solid snow cover since then!
  16. Yeah, we toss for sure and definitely on its own right now.....
  17. Does the RGEM have any bias', if anyone knows? This would be a complete kick in the teeth right here but damn its been super consistent so we'll see soon enough I suppose!
  18. Quite high sn/lq eq throughout the region with this SWFL event. Snow is starting to fall nicely as all the dirt/salt mixture this one horse town drops starts to fade away behind the accumulating snow, nice!
  19. Yeah more like 8-10 hrs, lol and I thought I was being conservative last night!
  20. Not a bad H700 as the flow is pretty much parallel to the direction of the the greatest RH values but theres not much energy with it at all as its a completely open wave but there is a nice streak directly overhead but thats at H500. If someone showed me this map I'd say where's the storm at cause's theres zero reflection anywhere except H500, lol. Dominated by HP and yet we're getting a SWFL event, go figure!
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