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Everything posted by gonegalt

  1. Ya, but I like choice #2. (Inserted "choice" after reading sentence above..)
  2. These spring days the snow is rideable everywhere. But bring gas with you.
  3. The weenies are funny but what'd I do?
  4. 12f this morning. 1.5" new last night. Sorry for the blur.
  5. Buffalo in Midwest div. Caribou in Boreal NE.
  6. 2' in the woods, 1.5' in the fields. 6-8' on the river. That's where all the ground blizzard snows settle.
  7. You wont regret the ride up. No one ever does!! Even if we went full melt there's so much to go and the big lakes last till mid April easy if the trails run out. But that's all academic as we are going to get buried over the next week with good solid cold locking up every night. You timed it good.
  8. Even after grooming is down the trails get smoother and smoother every day as the melt settles and firms again with the night freeze. Sleep in then go out as the surface re-softens and TEAR IT UP. Spring riding is the smoothest of all.
  9. Dunno about grooming a week from now but wx pattern looks good for groomable cold. As always at this time of year ride Caribou north. The lakes will still be good no matter. This is the time of season for off trail. Go explore the logging roads and fields that are bigger than Connecticut... well, Rhode Island. Ok, bigger than Hartford. ITS 88 across river from me- still good and my river crossing still good but hearing no sleds on it since yestiddy. I bet it's scratched out at Rt 1 crossing by the mall. STAY OUT OF TOWNS.
  10. Tamarack has the data. He is the Will of Maine.
  11. I see a lot of 60s down in SNE. Not here. 32f w/ 2" on the way. 18f by morning. Still a ton of snow and more on the way!
  12. Caribou is 2 1/2 degrees lat north of Stowe Vermont. Up here, "NNE" is the tropics. Northern Maine is more Boreal New England.
  13. Would have been posting longer but lost my password. Northern Maine nearly always misses out on SNE stall/loop bombs- all puked out and filling east by the time we see any. Oh well, if one likes long-lived snow, rather be here! Moved here from Carrabassett in '02. So much more winter!!
  14. Got 1" and wind. Still have 1.5' in the fields and +2' in the woods. Will be sledding the river and fields till mid Apr as normal.
  15. 4"-8" tidday means great sledding on the river. Already snowing. Tomorrow is another story with copious (I love that word) snows all day. I like winter so much, I moved there!
  16. Unscientific but it seems there are times when it just wants to snow and now's one. Snowed almost nightly last week before the short thaw just passed. Fcst to do the same here this week. Already have 2" this eve w/ more on the radar. I love nightly over performers. And plenty of cold too. -6f last night here, samish tonight. I like riding the Aroostook River but this year it is too thin to run in places, so far. After this week the river is open for business. PQI-CAR in 20 min!
  17. Do it anyway. You'll get your snow but you gotta see these trails and fields here. I'm talking way up Maine in Aroostook County. Moved here from Sugarloaf because there wasn't enough snow there. There's always enough here.
  18. Gonna be a busy week up here. Snowing again now <1". 2" more tomorrow then Thursday's storm and then, Saturday's. These storms need to pan out for lower ME- all their sledders are here until then!
  19. Keepin it real on the Presque Isle/Caribou border- 18f w/hvy sleet/snow. Cars off the road across the valley. Stay off crowned roads! I'm probably the sole winter outpost here today hence the report.
  20. Ya, been here a good while. I just like to read. That's quite a rumor too! And the kid has no time- working too hard. No, Vim Toot thrives. Let the weeping begin, as he would say!
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