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Everything posted by gonegalt

  1. I cut my wood consumption by a quarter after installing a damper. Stove runs much longer on night burns too. Install a damper.
  2. Ash is my dominant burn these days. All summer and fall I sliced and diced a bunch I dragged up from down slope around the ponds. So easy to split too- 16" sticks make short work on my hand splitter. Tractor bucket load a day for 3 months and I'm set with 5 cords in my basement and 1 cord down at the tree house. Harvested 3 of those cords here- about 50/50 maple/ash. Got a deal on 3 cord of seasoned birch so got 3 cords of that. Birch is mid-soft wood in my book. Burns well and the bark is wonderful good for starter though after October there's no need for starter when the fire is always going in the house. My hottest burns though are beech and maple. Normal delivered mix up here is 80-85 pct maple w/ remainder birch, beech and ash. Mix varies by woodlot. Burning ash now down at the tree house. Got a smoker down here that I burn maple in so I use the ash inside and smoke with the maple weekly outside in attached wood/smoke shed I built on this summer. Going through a lot of wood this year I think, but the ribs...
  3. Now that I dont have drive to NYC twice/month I range just 6 miles or so. The heart of metropolitan Aroostook County has all I need. Had a balloon land in my field last month Was working on my little cabin down there to the right when they dropped in. Gave us a nice bottle of champagne! Sky was full of 'em for days. Spending my time making a wood shed / smoke house addition for my cabin. Winter is coming and I'm camping out in it! Thanks for asking.
  4. Breezy and dry so far in CAR/PQI. Many north east storms and gales up here in winter but the ground is quite wet this summer. Breeze is stiffening out of the NNE. Got my lawn chair out on a deck as my early wind indicator- just flapping a little. Vim Toot
  5. Snow rotting out. Fields still nice but choose your route wisely as bare areas appear. Can still ride down to river but that's done tomorrow with these awful SNE temps. It's actually beautiful out. My sled commuting to my woods yacht will finish maybe day after tomorrow. I'm melting. River is up maybe 8' from mid-winter levels which lasted until just days ago. Rapid rise but no jams. Grimes rd in FF has ice issues right now- real lowland, takes little more than a septic backup to flood. If I were a Grimes, I'd change my name.
  6. The river is rising pretty good. No jams, some pack/brash flowing by. Nice gentle melt. Sorry about the lack of damage.
  7. Real melt started. Gonna document the river rise. River has receded some as of this morning. No doubt it is rising now as the fields are in run off.
  8. Going up to 55f tomorrow but with low dews following a freeze tonight I'll bet those fields still got it. The river.... nope. Oh well. sit and have a breather... The river has dropped about a foot as shown by the photos. Expect a rise this timme of year but we've only been evaporating- no runoff. It will begin to rise day after tomorrow. There wont be any jams this year.
  9. Nice Easter ride out back today. Street clothes and a hat! Oh and work gloves, Flat as a pancake, solid as a rock except for the top two inches. They're soft as butter. Been no melt yet, just evaporation. Melt begins tomorrow.
  10. 27f NW 30+ Snow squalls. Cold out. Dropping to 15f tonight, gonna stay below fzg until 1200 Sunday. Be windy though... Had a squall earlier as cf blew through. Nice eve, a little bit of alpenglow and some dusting from earlier. The fields are calling...
  11. Ya, I followed your trip then. Unable to comment for ages before finding my password lately. They've made the base a pretty neat ride segment with the runway trail. The coolest part is the old nuke storage bunkers. They're still there laid down in the woods like a 50's subdivision. Streets of them in the woods around the open central control area where we are sitting atop one here. Fun to ride on top of the buried ones, stop and wonder how many megatons were stacked 10' beneath you not so long ago. Great ride in there. Gotta know the way in/out.
  12. That's how I feel as I putt around with the fields all to myself. A private playground.
  13. Used to move 100k+ bbl petroleum barges out of NYC. Hudson, LIS, Bos and such to Searsport. But not on the mighty Aroostook. Would have simplified my commute. And ice hardly ever stopped us. 4500 hp will move a load pretty good and if the ice grows too thick we bring an assist boat. Don't do it any more. Don't miss it!
  14. River let go last 2 days. Down at my crossing to ITS 88. No trail riding for me! My sign for riders brave enough to cross- Still over 2' with 4-6" tonight. Began around 1600- nice soft fluff on a packed base Vim Toot!
  15. Great season. Still much to go here Up East. Got 1-2" this am now just snotty but good lockup cold here tonight. Steady increasing snowpack after mid-Jan. Nethers deep in the woods. River ice came late and after early Jan high water left 8' ice walls on the banks access was difficult. Made my river crossing first on snowshoes around late January then by sled until my last crossing yesty before ice opened up late afternoon. Took this from my pond yesterday. My hideout up top.
  16. New Yorky Dork thinks this is a religion board.
  17. Got the sled in the garage! Been 30-32 all day. Snowing since 2300 last night. Goin down to 26 tonight. Compacted 6" now, 2-3" more till evening.
  18. Up here, late March is a sure thing every year. Mid-April is the finish here. Late April up the NW Allagash. i'm talkin off trail.
  19. 16f and clear. 5f just NW of here. Going there. Gonna snow tonite/tomorrow, 6" probably.
  20. 24f 4" new yesty/last night. Goin ridin!
  21. All eyes on Boreal Maine! Watch us snow! SE Mass winter has broken George I think.
  22. Oh yeah. Was just looking at AS account. Had actually forgotten about that. Thought the name was sort of stupid and made some rookie mistakes so... Good memory!
  23. Not many posts under that name. It was early and I hadn't "upped my game" yet...
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