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About gonegalt

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  1. -20 here. Limited riding on railbeds only. River riding is great though. Best riding available up here is lakes, ponds and rivers.
  2. Irritates me every time I see it.
  3. Ya, that thing looks like a factory. Lived in Westminstah 89-91, skied there a bunch.
  4. Picked up about 3" powder last night/this morning on top of 2" base, Blowing around now and getting cold. River opened up last week but is slowing up with floating slush cakes, will likely close up solid again tonight.
  5. Just finished the plowing before big winds and cold tonight. 33f and about 6" Ponds and streams will freeze real nice. Not yet on the river- best to wait a few weeks after ice-over.
  6. Windy from the SE. Mod to Hvy, a couple inches of windblown on top of 4" frozen base. River freezing up fast last few days. Snowfall makes the fastest buildup of river ice so let er snow.
  7. 39 this morning. Where's the river?
  8. 25 this morning with fresh graupel littering decks and lawn. Cold and windy today. Snow Wednesday. First dandelions yesterday. No buds anywhere but my basement.
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