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About jewell2188

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  1. I think the overall feeling is fu** the snow and cold. Bring on spring!!!!
  2. Don’t know if this has ever been a topic here but just thought I would share my thoughts on what I have observed over the past 5-10 years within the weather community like ourselves and social media. Agree or disagree social media has ruined the weather community and most importantly TRUST from the “Joe blows and John smiths” of the world. Tomorrow’s storm in regards to the social media impact greatly diminishes the public’s trust. That’s mainly in part due to the fact that most know nothing about meteorology except what they see on “Twitter and or facebook. I also believe that free access to models from the general public should be regulated. Social media has had some benefits to the ge real public as far as advanced warnings etc, but for the most part I’ll I ever hear is “they were just calling for 10+inches the other day and now nothing” well that same person probably won’t take the next tornado warning seriously.
  3. Have already called all 8 of my trucks out tomorrow night, 11pm. Have to burn that budget somehow.
  4. Soooooo another way for vdot to waste tax payer dollars and have crews sit for 14 hours
  5. Just fyi, chantilly district Vdot has had us on standby since 8pm last night. All of our tax dollars hard at work!!!
  6. Y’all out here wish for more weekend snow…..you’re fellow snow removal contractors would love to spend time with family at least one weekend this month.
  7. I am supervisor for lawyers road. We have been on the clock since 9am yesterday morning.
  8. That slug coming through south western WV/south western VA is racing at about 60mph!!!!
  9. Quick hitter, it’s reasonable and a good bet to expect the low end totals!
  10. All that rain moving constantly east everyday this week. Pretty depressing actually!
  11. The constant back building particularly over the NOVA/DC area is interesting to watch!!
  12. Yet again, you clearly have never been to Winchester.
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