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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. should do a road trip to Jackson Hole. 105" and counting for the month of January
  2. As a Steelers fan, i'd never root for the Ravens.
  3. I'm calling for a Super Bowl Storm now 6+" Mark it on yo calendars bitches
  4. it continues to be a brutal cleanup. 5 minutes ago was a total whiteout in Harrisburg.
  5. @canderson you surely had to be ice crusted too? nice hat btw
  6. Thank you I'm putting this in the books at 3.5" Nobody is talking about the freezing rain? Probably around 530ish we were hanging out outside having cocktails and the snow turned to rain. My Truck was encased in ice this morning and my doors were frozen shut had to let it run for 20 minutes to thaw doors out. Even all the power lines are drooping and our power flickered several times.
  7. Yeah, i live for this scene. Our parking lot is covered.
  8. i was just telling a co-worker the timing for this sucks, as we have to deal with the farmshow traffic already, now add the "first snow" of the season
  9. here is my annual reminder of the best birthday gift i ever got for tomorrow. You're welcome
  10. Same here, with some wind gusts! Happy New year all!!
  11. when i started coaching high school ball i started disliking spring snow storms!
  12. Hands down January 1996 is my all time favorite. #2 would be March 1993 and then February 2010 with back to back storms totaling 40" which i'll probably never see that happen again. 1978 falls in there too. EDIT- how can i forget PD2????? Feb '03 32" then 4" more the next day.......................Even the Valentines storm with snow, sleet, frzn etc
  13. That Christmas was so awesome! I swear by it now. My Nephew is a licensed Hemp grower. Me too. I just refereed to my notes. We had 1.5" Christmas eve night then 11.5 on the 25th. i kind of forgot we had some decent snow prior to that. After Christmas day i was at 21" for the season.
  14. yeah, just about everything blew away from the wind, including my garbage cans Stringing together some sunny days, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Over night lows those days aren't hateful.
  15. I had 17 this morning. Crazy gusts of winds overnight that squall came through and completely covered the grass and roads. it was a quick hitter for sure. i heard of this yesterday right after it happened. so we turned on the communications for the event. It was pretty crazy, multiple vehicles, multiple injures, multiple entrapment with aeromedical assistance. large scale MC events suck. i was thinking of you and how you were making out.
  16. i have been outside for the last hour, the wind cuts right through you, wow its chilly.
  17. that big hill makes us or breaks us. edit-especially in the summer. A couple years ago when that Tornado came through, it stayed on the Perry County Side, crossed the river into Dauphin. Though we had issues in Northeast Cumberland County, Marysville, Perdix and Dauphin took the brunt
  18. i always look for the positives in almost any situation. Having said that, Monday starts a 14 day vacation. looks to be a good time to work on my tan and day drink.
  19. i just said this to my co-worker. we need this precip with some good cold. Last night when i came home from company X-mas party i had some ice building up on the power lines in front of my house. This morning around 515ish on my way to work a truck with a ladder rack past me and honest to god the icicles were 5-6" long. I almost wrecked because i was staring at them lol
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