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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I don't mind it. Its CPA, its summer if the pool water is 80 and the temp is 95, its refreshing. And, my beer is always 33
  2. i was at a pig roast Saturday on the mountain. We got about 22 drops of rain but watched it downpour less then a 1/4 mile away to our south west. it was crazy
  3. i recommend frosty adult beverages then. i'd listen to me. I'm so smart i have brains i don't use looks like the sun wants to come out in the burg. Still showing only 79
  4. as long as the cocktails are cold and the pool water is cool enough to lower my body temp, l'm in for the ride.
  5. we (us in the susq. valley) will not hit 90 today. I'm honestly bummed. I thought we had a legit shot at breaking the record for consecutive days of 90 or above. I'm all about records
  6. it wasn't even funny when i looked at radar and the system like went in half around us to the west/east
  7. I think i heard the last time we had 10 or more days in a row of 90 or better was 1999. I'm usually incorrect so i may have misunderstood what i heard. I was off last week. I would work on projects around my place for 6 hours (usually 6am-noon), then spend the rest of the day at my sisters next door, swimming and drinking beer. Friday i was painting the trim on my shed. By 9am i said screw this, the heat was drying my brush out.
  8. Negative. I don't waste my money on them, besides, its way to dry. The pool water was 85, but still felt refreshing. Went from the pool to a townhouse fire, i think i lost 5 pounds sweating so, how many 90 degree days will we string together? Will we break the record, which i think is 11 in a row?
  9. that is what i saw too, risk is minimal. So that means we'll get smacked. i'm off all next week to work around the compound. looks hot and humid. The beer distributor will love me.
  10. we were coming back from a call and watched this coming in, it like rode along the mountain. pretty cool to watch.
  11. Negative. I'll leave that to you guys who are much, MUCH smarter then me. i'm just here for my good looks and charming personality
  12. I really thought we were going to get smacked yesterday around 530. The wind picked up, got black as coal, nice rumbling and then.....................................28 rain drops. It just seem to drop off. I think it missed me to my West, or so it appeared.
  13. I called this a couple weeks back. Its every damn summer holiday
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