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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. i know, i'm so bummed. If there is no football this fall, i'm going to get a part time job as i'll go nuts.
  2. Sunday definitely looks wet. Saturday we may squeek by until later evening.
  3. probably the same as Northeast Cumberland yes, it does. Kinda getting old. If i wanted to be in Texas, i'd move in with your parents
  4. i was coming home from a BOD meeting last night at 10, i had 88 and i was thinking this has to be what Texas is like. i had 99 for yesterdays high.
  5. i was surprised when i came out to light rain at 530. agreed no complaining. I dislike shitty looking grass. hopefully we green back up from yesterdays rain, but i doubt it.
  6. Yeah, mid to late afternoon looks like we get a batch. I'll take whatever i can get at this point
  7. i knew that, you're easy Smart wife Cloud cover keeping temps down. 80 here. kinda need a sweater
  8. months like this, i don't miss working construction. anyone keeping track, will we/can we break the record for 90 degree days for July?
  9. i'm almost certain the 25% capacity includes employees. though i'm usually incorrect.
  10. I'm not in the restaurant biz, but how can they make money at 25% (which includes staff)? I agree, they'll shut down and go back to take out. check out the string of days..................Friday well into next week also Saturday and Sunday are smokin 96 & 98
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