At the time, the house i lived in sat up on a hill, 150' driveway 3 cars wide. I decided to wait until the game was over which was a HUGE mistake. After partaking in the normal Super bowl party chow and the 3 or 4 six packs i drank didn't make for a pleasant experience
January 30th , 2000 Super Bowl Sunday. 12". Notes show it started around noon. And that on Tuesday the 25th we had 11" and after the super bowl Sunday storm there was 20" on the ground. and Friday the 28th it was -15 with wind chill that was my entries for that week
a guy i know just said the opposite lol. He said he just looked at the radar and doesn't see how we DON'T get heavy snow in the next hour! But i don' t really believe half the shit he says
Maybe the Susquehanna river is truly the cut off lol. Its dumping here. Best snow of this event imo
@djr5001 i see you lurking. Is it dumping over home?
exactly. that's what I'm saying. Its been snowing since yesterday. when was the last multi day event? No science behind my guess here, but i bet we crack double digits for the event in our area till this is all said and done.
Only the mighty susqy separates me and the east shore
even a couple more on top of the 5, still is a solid event. Though i'd rather more..............i always want more.
27 degrees, lite snow now, still mixed with some sleet.