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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I've seen pictures, amazing. I don't even wanna know the loss there, Millions and Millions
  2. so what do you all do to prepare for severe weather?
  3. lets hope not i like extremes, but agree, screw that
  4. Nasty crash. i've been on some multi vehicle doozeys on I-81, but nothing like that, wow check your supplies
  5. which is what gets me with Jon Q public and bashing mets. like 2 storms ago when we had a mirage of weather, snow, sleet frzn etc and lasted for what, 3 days. How the hell can you forecast that shit?
  6. i can probably sell my bowflex and cardio equipment
  7. Whats up with the other several other that were in the pipeline before Tuesday? Edit- You're doing a nice job Blizz. i'm recommending you for employee of the month
  8. 28 degrees, still some pixie dust. Putting this in the books at 2.5" come on @pasnownut bring these next couple home brutha
  9. i wouldn't say epic, but the valentines Snow/sleet/ice was interesting for sure
  10. I have to much chit going on. I didn't even know there was a chance of snow tomorrow
  11. I must have missed it. Seems like our chances are lined up. so, so much different then last year
  12. what is go time for tomorrow? and the wind finally stopped
  13. Its so damn windy again please for the love of god turn off the fans
  14. Just lit a guy up yesterday, typical know-it-all. He had his audience and was explaining how we don't have the big storms like when we were kids. He is 1 year younger then me. So i rattled of some big ones off my head, 83, 93, 96, 2003, 2010 etc. I said they were all in our adult life. He said well you know what i mean. i said no, i have no idea what you mean. he walked out of the lunch room.
  15. I had snow drifts on my patio, 4' up my French doors. I have lived here 15 years and had some good storms during that time, this is a first. the wind was crazy
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