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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. Me too bro, me too. I pulled out this morning and all the snow piles along road, driveway and walks gave me perma grin
  2. i have 23.5 for month, but i have the event from 1/31 through 2/2 all lumped together.
  3. I told her winter is far from over. She swears by her horses and other folklore
  4. I'm up to 34. We will take a hit Wednesday for certain at 50+ A friend said winter is over, her Horses are shedding. I guess thats some kinda of sign.
  5. Now lets cap this beotch off with a March Blizzard
  6. we're normally almost spot on. i have 33.5. Damn front street for the win
  7. i just ran the snow blower to clean up here at work. Pretty much the end. Putting this puppy to bed at 4"
  8. i haven't. damn work keeps getting in the way of my snow obsession where's trainer and Nut at?
  9. I honestly didn't expect this. We have great rates in Harrisburg. And the reports coming from the guys west of us give me hope. My temp dropped 3 degrees since this started
  10. i just shoveled at work. We're over an 1". good rates right now
  11. I need one. Just sick of much of the younger generation. call off work for 2 days for 3 damn inches of snow, wtf. Around Harrisburg, the highways are clear, the back roads have MAYBE an 1" . one guy who called off OWNS A FRICKING JEEP. Sorry
  12. Bingo. i'm 58 and will out work everyone here under 30. Don't get me started lol. Still light snow here at work in Harrisburg. Rates have tapered now though.
  13. I get it. However the world doesn't stop turning. Its 3" of snow, not a blizzard. These guys calling off work for 3" snow weren't raised by men like my father. Its laughable.
  14. Our roads over home aren't bad, at all. Just a bunch of BS. my its my age showing i don't know. Hell even the post office calls mailmen back. people are getting soft. I remember laying in snow putting tire chains on my dads car so he could go to work. And we didn't have Carharts either. Damn guys call off work over this? Come on man! Sorry, i'll end my rant.
  15. I just got a message, no garbage pickup. We're getting to be a soft society. a little bit of snow for gods sakes
  16. Very true. and with this, we have another multi day event. I like it!
  17. only 2.5" yesterday. At some point it started sleeting last evening but i was incoherent when my daughter was telling me. but regardless had an 1" until this morning. snow good now too. YTD 29 1/2"
  18. for some reason i enjoy snow more when i am at home so this afternoon will work good for me for a lil more white gold
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