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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I'm ok with it this week, the following week however, i need sun through the 24th, please.
  2. zip it. i have outdoor projects that need addressed. My daughter coaches HS softball, they are to be playing in Kutztown for a tourney. Could be a wash.
  3. First night of sleeping with the windows open. Glorious i tell you! Cheer men Happy Friday.
  4. It was really, REALLY nice out. Is Sunday gonna be our soaker day? Looks to be the rainiest to me.
  5. You would think i knew that, but didn't until everyone started texting about enjoying frosty beverages at my place tonight. I normally don't have cocktails until Thursday, might make an exception today.
  6. 70 on the nose! Suns out, Perfect beer drinking weather. That is, if you're into that sinfulness.
  7. I'd like some rain as well. I'll work outside between or even during the showers. This time of year is tough for me with my OCD. i feel like i have to complete a years worth of outside projects in a single weekend. I know i can't but unfinished work drives me insane.
  8. i have 33.5" but i believe i missed. I should run and get lawn fertilizer with the rain that is incoming
  9. i was 14. honest to god a huge childhood memory of mine was sitting in my uncles house in Tennessee watching the news. the way they were talking about it, i thought i was never coming home. My dad was sent to Milton Hershey at 10 (back when the boys worked the farm) was the toughest guy i ever knew. Emotionless. This was the first of only 2 times i ever saw tears in his eyes.
  10. Nope, no TV. We boogied out pretty quick. Half went to SC the other half went to TN. You're right, sweating did feel like it cooled you off. My grandmother lived with us. In the dead of summer she stripped and washed our sheets daily and hung them on the line.
  11. we never had air, central or window units. Then again we didn't have a TV either from 1977 until 81 when i bought one for my bedroom. We did get box fans one year for Easter to put in our windows. I remember at time it felt like a hair dryer blowing on me, i would just turn it off it was pointless.
  12. We had a fire call at 1245 this morning. As we were getting ready to return to station, for 5 minutes it was full white out conditions.
  13. love driving to work at that temp, with my windows down.
  14. I moved back into my homestead 15 years ago. Not anytime during those years did anything get blown over on my back patio. Just in the past 3 weeks my Grille, and Heavy patio furniture has blown over 3 times.
  15. Halifax area. Control marked, thank goodness.
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