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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I think i mentioned this before, my Uncle Olin coached Jim Rice when he was a teenager in South Carolina. He even mentioned him in HOF speech.
  2. yes. showered for like 5-10 minutes, then dumped for 5 minutes and 40 seconds
  3. thats why i was pretty happy to get the downpour we had a bit ago, at least it was something
  4. Nothing like baking on the beach, then going back to rental and baking. Mike, if you stay in a semi state of inebriation, the heat may not bother you edit- nice shower now in Harrisburg
  5. wow, 74? We're pretty close. She likes to shoot too, but ammo prices are crazy. I limit her now when we go for Sunday breakfast/shooting Sundays. She empties mags quicker then i drink beer
  6. Not an O's fan, but y'all know my daughter is a Baseball nut. She's taking me Baltimore to June 21st game. A kid who graduated from Millersville with her plays for the Astros
  7. That is interesting. maybe soon they'll deny the lower temps and we will actually be sunny and 80
  8. agreed. At this point, since Friday/Saturday look like a wash, i'll be happy just being dry Sunday/Monday.
  9. i'm leaving work soon to mow. It will start 5 minutes after i get on my John Deere.
  10. just hit 90. and yep @Itstrainingtime it is soupy
  11. couple years ago, it was warmer on Christmas eve then it was on memorial day
  12. It does. I have been going to Pittsburgh since the 70s. its the only bad experience. He was a poor drunk. anyone know off hand what the record low temps are for the upcoming days, any chances of breaking records?
  13. Several years ago i had a guy start shit by Bettis Restaurant in that courtyard prior to a Steelers game. Made a comment to my daughter. didn't go well for him. The cops were close by and were there quick and saved him from more embarrassment. As soon as they found out i was a fireman, i was sent on my way Agreed. i have been to a lot of professional sports venues, they're deplorable. My daughter a caps fan, loves him! to weather- im not certain our chances in the LSV are that great for storms later today, i'm just not buying it. Looks like Monday will be the nicest over the holiday.
  14. Last Friday, we had a 1945 Fully restored Ford looked just like this. i felt bad for the old dude who restored it.
  15. I forgot about this until a facebook memory reminded me about the EF1 tornado on May 15, 2018 just North of me. you guys remember that?
  16. I have plenty. $500 for a wheel barrow load you know, woods up
  17. lol It doesn't matter, instead of painting, i'll split and stack firewood
  18. i broke down and turned the air on last night. daughter couldn't handle it. Still looking like 90 Sunday. Good day for a Senators game and cold brew. If we keep these temps up, i may get in the pool memorial day weekend.
  19. i have had to mow twice a week since the grass growing season started. But i could tell last night when i mowed, the growth rate has slowed. It may be a long summer.
  20. It doesn't have anything to do with Hippa. I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but i did a little research and also watched a show with medical professionals having the discussion.
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