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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. aren't you suppose to be eating smoked meat or something?
  2. I remember. every man and boy in our town (and some women) was helping the fireman with pumping basement and what not. I don't remember specifics on temps, but i do remember wearing coats and our green snow boots to keep our feet dry.
  3. I'm ok with that. But i'd like some for for 4th of July week please. Oh and no rain.
  4. yep, woke me up. Dog wasn't happy but i enjoyed it
  5. Howz about that thunder boomer over night
  6. i saw a couple drops on my truck. I didn't believe it would actually rain so i parked outside
  7. can you PM me the info. I'd like to check it out for next year, depending on what it sleeps
  8. well enjoy the rest of your week, take your time Saturday, safe travels
  9. In all honesty, i would take that .7 at this point ya know
  10. I like when good guys like Tim, stop in from the other areas. Its a + he's a Pittsburgh guy
  11. Yesterday at work in Harrisburg, it down poured for a solid 20-30 minutes. not even 1 mile away west as the crow flies, 37 drops of rain.
  12. I got a shower at 9 last night. We had a fire call at 10 (nothing serious) i was completely drenched in sweat. Came home and showered again. 1206am we had another call (nothing serious) again, completely soaked. came home home and showered again. and laid wide awake until 330
  13. I didn't expect today to be so overcast.
  14. i'm hoping we get "some" rain today to help us.
  15. pulled from his speech. "Olin Saylors. I played American Legion ball for Post 14. He came by my house every day and picked me up. I didn't really want to play ball, but Olin was very [determined] to make me play baseball for American Legion Post 14." The story goes Jim walked past the Legion practice, my uncle ask him if he wanted to play. he came on the field, picked up a bat. the first couple pitches thrown to him he took yard. After that he never came back. my uncle hunted him down. Jim said he couldn't play, he had to work. My Aunt and Uncle bought him food and clothes as they didn't have much. the rest is history as they say.
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