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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I had 75. feels more muggy today then yesterday. The sun will be out in full force here soon.
  2. It looks as though rain is later Thursday. and i'm praying to salvage Sunday and Monday.
  3. Bite your tongue, we're contenders bro 85, full sun
  4. we will be over 90 today. $2 on us hitting between 92-95
  5. i would take that fellas. see what you can do. I'm out, headed some frosty pilsners and clear, pee free water
  6. I've heard good things about this. i haven't tried it yet. Many people don't realize how much temperature affects the beer. not all beers are served at the same temp. Sweet baby jesus for an example. drink one at 40 and then drink one at 32-33. huge difference in taste.
  7. A positive spin on all the rain, at least when all the idiots start setting fireworks off illegally, hopefully it won't start fires.
  8. Many beers are meant to be served that way. I don't mind it. but when its hot i'm just drinking a Pilsner, served at 33 your good my man, post away. i'm just playin
  9. piss away, its my sisters next doors pool i don't discriminate . i will consume beer in any type of weather. I just think it tastes better when its warm out.
  10. i start vacation Thursday. i had intended to work on some projects 6-12 each day, then pool time with frosty beverages. however bubbler is pissing on my party
  11. all afternoon Saturday and yesterday was spent in the pool. Saturday i couldn't drink, i was on duty. yesterday however is a different story
  12. I'd like 90 and sunny, i'd settle for 80 and sunny
  13. i'll assure your records and documentation is better then mine. I scribble on note paper 68 is what i recorded at my house.
  14. Just snow, or record heat/cold for an example- November 24, 2014 we had a record high 68 that day.....that was just a quick check of my notes
  15. I approve of this message truly unbelievable event. some of the video/images are crazy. i was thinking this yesterday while discussing last year 4th of July. that entire week was very humid another great night of sleeping with the windows open
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