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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. i like the OT banter. Thats how we figure out who all the cool Steelers fans are ...........the Real Americas team
  2. I'm weird, i actually watched the draft live, so i saw it. Thanks for sharing though.
  3. I am. its gonna be pool day. Yep, that was fantastic. + we had a young man from our school go in the 3rd to Seattle
  4. Friday looks like we go back to the mid 90s. I know some of you are excited about it.
  5. I had left Harrisburg before 3, so i was good we ended with 1 1/4" in a short time. my neighbor told me we have had 6" since last Friday. Our ground is really wet. If we get the same today, we're screwed. We had lakes in our streets yesterday.
  6. i'm not sure the total rain we have had, but last Friday and last night we have to have had 4" or more just those 2 days. and i know i'm missing a day. Everyone i know local to me that has pools, has to keep letting water out. ground is saturated. trees falling over, sink holes, etc.
  7. Thank you to whoever cleaned up whatever that jibberish was in this thread. what are your thoughts on rain chances this afternoon? After that Deluge yesterday afternoon, i'd like to dry out honestly
  8. You don't need to apologize to me. I'm an all seasons guy. I'm perfectly ok now with low to mid 80s and no humidity for the rest of the summer
  9. i had 75 at 5 this morning, i just looked and we dropped 2 degrees. We've had enough rain that i still should mow twice a week. I have my mower deck all the way up and just cutting once.
  10. We were heading north on 11&15 coming back from a call and it was really dark on the other side of the mountain. It looked like you were getting rain.
  11. just a wiffle ball throw from you across the mighty susky, The thermometer at the pool yesterday said 92
  12. i need a new one as well. I'll check this brand out. I'd like to have a new one up and running before winter
  13. look at Nut sneaking in the back door for some summer convo !! Cheers broski
  14. he is my least favorite Met. I turn channel if he is on
  15. I'm not validating its accuracy, but its usually pretty close. My truck had 100 yesterday and went to 102 on Cameron Street between Elmerton Ave and i-81(it normally rises in this spot)
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