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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. Maybe i will forgo my afternoon run/walk and go mow instead. Between the rain and temps, its growing like crazy.
  2. @canderson I tug you on a Facebook post to see video
  3. I wish I could post the videos from Duncannon Boro. It’s truly unreal
  4. I just came from running. It is very warm. think I’m heading out to clean out my gutters, since y’all are confident or rain later. Looks like around a dinner time start to me. Thoughts?
  5. Yep! I don’t think it’s going to take long to warm up, full sun already. Hoping to get a little outside stuff done before it rains again
  6. We had a 10 minute downpour on the west shore around 4pm
  7. I was a mason then. If i remember correctly, that entire week was brutal. Guys were dropping like flies. We were laying foundations in a new development. No shade for miles around. Just pounding sun and it was humid. But my mind could be sketchy on details. edit-by weeks end, only me and the foreman were left from entire crew. He said screw it, we're not working. we went to a bar
  8. im same. But it feels much warmer then that. I need a beer
  9. i think up there in the country you still get support of people who come out and spend money at carnivals.
  10. great food there for sure. I just don't think fire companies should have carni's
  11. Though i hate carnivals and glad ours is canceled, you can usually get good food
  12. I love the Olympics, both winter/summer. I would be bummed if they cancelled, however for the safety of the athletes i understand. It would be unfortunate after what they go through, mentally and physically though.
  13. 10 degrees warmer then you edit- 8 degrees i only had 2 cups of coffee and my math was off
  14. looks like its headed my way, but will it peter out?
  15. I live in North East Cumberland County, not a drop. But it rained on the Interstate Not sure if you're familiar with the Wertzville Road exit off 81 and where the grocery stores and Pizza Boy brewing is? It dumped there too. It was crazy
  16. i forgot to mention, when i left work yesterday there was no rain at the intersection of cameron and Elmerton near farm show building, but was a downpour at I-81. (quarter mile maybe?) It dumped along the I-81 corridor into Cumberland County but never rained at my house which is a coupe blocks from the interstate. it just rode the mountain
  17. We are not Yanks fans either, but its the last close stadium to us that we haven't been to. We're hostage to the train and their departure times into/out of the city. But i think we get there 2 hours before game time. my friend and family are going with us, they're Yanks fans.
  18. I know, i'm not use to it. Bought tickets to take another MLB stadium off daughter bucket list last night. Yankees here we come.
  19. I just saw his wife beat his A$$ and knocked a tooth out i bet another women is involved.
  20. I don't think the burg got much. must have rode along the mountain
  21. rained at the back of our building, not the front
  22. looks that way edit-turning dark here now at work. rumbling in the distance
  23. that's what i said to my daughter. they have had him pegged for the #8 spot. As the draft was unfolding differently then others expected, i thought maybe he'd get bumped lower.
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