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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. That is just bizarre. Hell of an angle that came down on then.
  2. seriously? My daughter said we had zero on the other side of susky.
  3. i swear to god, i will never get my lawn mowed. i think the smoke haze is greater today.
  4. Mowing my grass yesterday i really noticed the haze and smell of smoke. PSA- my phone told me the air quality is unhealthy for sensitive groups. I'm told i have no feelings and not sensitive, so i'm good
  5. Good. Tropical storms usually plan themselves around my vacations
  6. maybe this was it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Fort_McMurray_wildfire
  7. Do you remember what year we had the smoke from the fires in Canada? that was worse then this.
  8. In the morning yes, but i think mine is related to the damn AC running nonstop. Smoke doesn't bother me.
  9. i believe parts of Perry County and millersburg in Dauphin county got dumped on
  10. Upper Dauphin and Perry county got round 2. it looked like we would get smacked by the 2nd batch but it broke apart before us
  11. No, but i would have loved to try it. coworker is a bee keeper. i told him this morning, he said they had to be there for awhile and that was a lot of honey. That storm was pretty odd the way it came down to us. I left work and went to do my afternoon run/walk. The sun was shinning. I got out of my truck and was stretching, facing north. i thought holy shit, it was black to my north and east. pulled up the radar and just got back in my truck. On the way home it was pouring/storming East of where i was driving and the same west of me, but i was in complete sunshine dead in the middle. i didn't hit rain until i headed east for a 1/4 mile. it was just weird.
  12. What will the day bring fellas? Sunny and 90, or sunny and 90 and 2" of rain that just magically appears? So is Sunday our last chance at rain for 10 days or so? looks like we cool down some but jump right back up next week You guys are weird like me so you'll appreciate this. get dispatched for a tree and wires down yesterday. They advised the tree was across the road, took down power lines and calling party said there was a lot of bees. The tree was big enough it was completely across the road. The chief walks up and say anyone allergic to bees don't go up there. i walked up and there is copious amounts of honey pouring out of the base of the tree. and about where the yellow line in road, the tree had split there too............with copious amounts of honey oozing out. so from the base of tree, up about 10', was completely filled with honey.
  13. Neighbor who measures everything said Saturday we had 1.5” and 3/4” this afternoon.
  14. i'm 58, life long Pirates fan. Glad my dad had us in Pittsburgh frequently in the 70s because i doubt i ever see another Championship
  15. i'm heading to th beach in 2 weeks, can you find me plenty of sunshine in the mid range please 86 and sunny here. Can we squeek out another 90?
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