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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. @canderson May wanna rethink his Harrisburg numbers
  2. co-worker and i were just talking about the Hershey/Hummelstown area. And i agree
  3. Thanks for the maps JNS I don't have the warm and fuzzies about this.
  4. watching some video this morning from down there, crazy stuff man. I'm going to spend my evening checking rain gutters i guess. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/08/29/hurricane-ida-lady-sea-hospital-roof-louisiana/5644880001/
  5. I seriously lol'd dropped to 91, anyone have a sweater?
  6. I have thought the last 2 days have sucked. But maybe i'm just sick of it September 7th is the day after labor day. I consider summer over, close the pool, its football season, bonfires fall foliage etc etc
  7. heat and humidity don't really bother me. However the last 2 day has gotten to me. I can't wait until September 7th
  8. 88. definitely going to hit 90+ today. anyone wanna mow my grass?
  9. i wait as long as i can. Normally, in the new addition we will burn a fire to take the chill off. most years its around thanksgiving when i turn the switch to ON.
  10. I will turn the heat on in the new part of my house (heat Pump) sometime in November, but the original part (oil/forced hot air) not until December. The original part i don't even burn 50 gallons of oil a year. edit- one year i didn't even turn the heat on in the original part. Stayed 62. could be a reason why i'm divorced
  11. My summer cutoff date is labor day. After that, its time to move on. 3 months of no Air conditioning, no heat, just open windows baby!
  12. It was extremely humid yesterday i thought. Hell i was coming home from a meeting at 10pm last night and my Truck said it was still 84.
  13. well, at least i should be able to mow my hay fields. I mowed Thursday and its like i haven't cut in 2 weeks. Its now at least a 7-8 beer cut.
  14. I rode Charly out in Myrtle Beach. Good stuff Yuck
  15. I have not been on the road in years when it was raining that hard. Wow hundreds of gallons of water coming out of Targets roof drains
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