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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I’m sure my truck will be covered when I come out of the giant center
  2. Started as rain, quickly turned to snow a couple minutes ago
  3. i know i should prepare my snowblower, but deep down i know if i do i'll ruin the event for us all
  4. really going to suck monday morning clearing snow with these temps.
  5. yes. awesome news. I'm not sure why they had an article earlier in morning that Singleton wasn't listed as in school?!?! Next Tuesday, high of 16? Phuck
  6. Singleton no longer listed as enrolled, as mentioned above Allen gone, among other players declaring or entering portal.
  7. you see all of the PSU happenings this morning?
  8. i think it ended up 2 completed passes for 21 yards. but your point remains.
  9. He probably bundled up with lite windbreaker
  10. i'd like to get nickeled and dimed, help pay for groceries
  11. i told my boss since PSU will be playing later Thursday, Friday i was calling for a 2 hour delay, no morning Kindergarten He wasn't amused
  12. I didn't realize/ or forgot until i started writing notes of the snow for yesterday, that last year we had 5" on January 6th
  13. I'm putting yesterday in the books at 2.5" as we added an additional .5 with the little round that came through last evening. Right now everything continues to get covered back up with the wind. Its pretty chilly out right now.
  14. Just coming to say the same. The pre-treatment on our parking lot is making quick work of what fell. Feels warmer then it actually is.
  15. You should find a new hobby. Past couple days you're just busting on mets
  16. 25 degrees, lite snow. Backroads caved, I81 wet.
  17. should i start walking my snow blower north to help you?
  18. Has been really gusty here all morning so far! happy new year fellas
  19. i think my grandfather did when he was 17. Slate needs torn off, sheeted then shingled. ouch. If i were in my 20s, i'd do it myself. Its only like a `12/12 pitch or something
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