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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I would assume the fire dept in that area suspended response once the wind reached a certain point. some people may be in a damn bad spot and could be waiting for a long time for help.
  2. bro, i'd much rather be watching the football game so its definitely a + . we were only going to game because my daughter got us free tickets and my nephews family has never been to that stadium.
  3. 44 I am calling it now. I think i'm just going to forget about Nat's game Saturday. I'll hunker inside and watch the PSU game
  4. We were Ocean Front. Within a couple of checking in, we were forced out. Lucky for us my uncle lived inland about 5 miles so we had somewhere to go. The building we were to stay in, was destroyed. looked like a war zone. I'm sure if you check the MB emergency management web site you will get good info
  5. i was in MB during Charlie. pretty crazy
  6. i'm hoping our seats at the Nats game has under cover
  7. when the big lottos get real high i'll gamble huge and drop $5 on it. The only other time i gamble and i have a policy on it, is when i find a heads up penny, i go purchase a scratch off with whatever i have in my pocket at the time, max $10 and scratch it with the "lucky" penny i found. edit- i won't discuss my success ratio as i'm afraid it will give me bad mojo
  8. Going to DC to watch the Nats Saturday. I'm keeping a close eye on this too
  9. yeah, i'm loving it. Excellent sleeping weather
  10. It very well could have been. If my memory is correct, December was warm, followed by a big January snow event.
  11. i don't remember what year, but Christmas eve was pretty warm. We were in the "eggnog" early, so i broke out my John Deere and mowed, shorts/t-shirt. People were driving by laughing I did it just to say i did Later that evening i went to the family Christmas party wearing my swim trunks and Hawaiian Leis
  12. i have to mow every 3-4 days like spring. i love mowing, but i'm kinda over it honestly. I mowed Friday after work and I should have mowed yesterday.
  13. add me to the no AC list. When we were kids and played outside all day, last thing i did was get a shower before i went to bed. i slowly turned all the hot water of and ended with a cold shower. Our bedrooms had window fans, it was like someone holding a hair dryer on you with the warm air blowing over you
  14. had 50 this am. note to self- its time to put out long sleeve T-shirts for overnight fire calls
  15. what the..........Next you'll be drinking White Claws
  16. me too. but like you said, next week summer wants to continue. I need to split wood, i've been waiting for cooler temps
  17. might as well have. All my windows were open
  18. 55 this morning. I was a tad chilly stepping out of the shower. Best nights sleep in awhile.
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