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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. i just walked out to my truck, it is now totally encrusted in ice. still 30 and lite rain
  2. when i came to work around 515ish, it was dumping sleet. Not sure if we got snow or if the accumulation is all sleet. edit-what are your thoughts from radar on how long this freezing rain will last?
  3. I didn't have any trouble on the roads. There was a couple greasy spots but if one doesn't drive like an A-hole they should be ok. Freezing rain has stopped in Harrisburg for now.
  4. i was just out, its cold and feels damp. 33 here
  5. does anyone remember how much snow we got during the Vday shit show of 2007, before it turned to sleet and freezing rain? i was thinking 2-3"
  6. It seems anytime they're calling for ice, the models are over done and we don't get anything. Which is fine by me. Ice is destructive.
  7. https://www.pennlive.com/weather/2025/02/the-snowiest-place-in-the-us-is-a-tiny-village-in-ny-heres-what-it-looks-like.html
  8. It is yes. I'm fortunate to have a great relationship with her, we have a good time whatever we're doing. Helps that she is a sports nut.
  9. My daughter is taking me to see the Caps Sunday, so hoping to be home in time to hear the national anthem. I'm not good at making picks and i am not an Eagles fan, but I'm hoping they win. I'd bet Barkly has a 100+ game on the ground.
  10. I was just talking about the V-day Ice storm we had (sorry i forget year) and what a cluster that was. Snow, sleet then frz rain. When all the vehicles were stranded on 78. Were you living here then?
  11. I'm sure we have stalkers. Some people don't have anything better to do besides scan these threads looking for shit to whine about and start trouble. I'm sure you can figure out who i mean.
  12. I have been ask why i haven't really posted much as of late. I will continue to say, i am the least knowledgeable of anyone here about weather with a bsically nothing of value to add. So i figure i would just read. Banter is perfect for me
  13. its probably about the destination and where the NFL executives wanna party with their people.
  14. 7PM BTN #1 vs #2 Fire crackling-Jim Beam and Tonic and a furry puppy snuggled up is how i intend to spend the evening
  15. Every day all across the country, average people do extraordinary things, we just don't hear about them. Every day, fireman, cops, medics and solders save lives, many say its their job. yes, however a normal person isn't going to knowingly put there self in harms way, its not natural. I really look at things differently after i was sick last year. There is absolutely no reason i am alive, other then i have something left to accomplish, the good lord has a plan. every day brother, every day.
  16. i had to look to see when the last crash was, 1982. was cold and Icey then too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Florida_Flight_90
  17. Yep, almost word for word. I am a protector by nature. I'm the guy who ALWAYS sits facing the door, and all my friends and family know it.( they don't even question any more) i always know more then 1 way out and have a game plan if shit goes south. i am always on alert so to speak. So traveling is tough for me. i am usually exausted by days end. It sucks really and i have changed a little since being sick last year. But i'm told i have been this way, even as a toddler. Thats the way it sounds to me.
  18. damn, sorry to hear buddy. I read earlier a bunch of figure skaters, American and Russian were on the plane
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