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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. So I thought the wind was gonna slow down overnight. Was just told gusts of 40-60? Any of you wind guys have any thoughts?
  2. 16 now here in the village. Winds backed off for now. Hopefully that’s it with the gusts
  3. I’ve been around 20 for awhile. It’s damn cold out. We just got back from a call in Marysville. I was outside for 15 minutes, rarely do my hands get cold, but damn. I even had my gloves on
  4. Friend in western Pa text and said button everything down that the wind means business. I’m with @canderson and hate wind! it’s still raining here. And like others there is standing water everywhere. I feel it could get ugly later as the temps drop.
  5. Just got back from a flooded basement call. 130am, all the snow is gone, moderate to heavy rain at times. 48 degrees.
  6. Sometimes i think he has some weather micro-chip implanted somewhere.
  7. agreed. I've lived in my town my entire life. I don't ever recall the wind like this.
  8. I'm fortunate 13 of my family members are within walking distance that are coming Christmas night. That would still leave me with a bunch of leftover food. The cocktails i'm not worried about, the ones who live close are professionals
  9. at 2 this morning on the way back from a house fire and it was still raining, i said, imagine if all this rain we've got was snow...........................then right after that i said, imagine if i had a $1 for every time i said that
  10. our lot and sidewalks were holding good from pretreatment from early am. they suck now.
  11. i start a 13 day vacation on the 21st, so lets make next week happen
  12. I'm hearing roads are fine up here, just untreated sidewalks and such are they issue. I think the heavy rain helped keep some of the icing in check
  13. i'm already hearing trees/wires down calls in Cumberland & York Counties.
  14. i'm not sure why i can't get this to load correctly, what time does it show for potential flip over to snow/sleet?
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