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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. he probably could. But he possibly won't
  2. You're probably on to something, but then again you could possibly be wrong
  3. 1230- full sun and 85. i think we hit 90, which will probably be right around 330-4pm when i start mowing.
  4. I don't have any berfday parties, but i'll still have some cold beverages on Saturday edit- not sure who i'm kidding, Sunday as well. I will even sing Happy Birthday
  5. i tried posting a picture and or video of a tree struck by lightning this morning but it says the file is to big
  6. was pretty impressive. lots of lightning strikes in our area.
  7. Wow. Around 630 this morning, it dumped here
  8. Thank you, awesome time! Wait, you didn't have rain this morning? It poured up here.
  9. as long as its not raining. My co-worker just told me i should go home. I have had the live web cam from the carousel on my computer all morning
  10. when i was a kid, this was my favorite time of year. Once league baseball was over, we would all gather at the local park and play pickup baseball. I don't ever remember being home until later in evening. we'd show up back home dirty, bloody, probably stunk to high heaven . our mom had our dinner in the oven as they had eaten hours ago.
  11. yes................................in 78 days
  12. what radio station was that? Hopefully not a country Station
  13. i dropped my truck off for service this morning, co-worker was to pick me up at 5. He over slept so i walked home (3/4 mile) i was sweaty
  14. 94 was my high yesterday. pretty muggy this morning
  15. lol. No. The other station in our township handles the ladder company. We are special ops, like rescue work i can still show up the youngins I am at 90 now too.
  16. my company doesn't have a ladder truck. I believe we don't come to the city until 3rd alarm. Though i'm a member of a city company and could come any time i want.
  17. Thank you. Between responsibilities at FD and working 50 hour weeks since almost January, i'm way ready
  18. 93 was my high yesterday. 83 here now. hoping to get a mow in Friday evening before i depart Saturday morning
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