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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. the only Netflix series i watched completely
  2. Bizarre. It rained so hard Saturday night, i couldn't mow until 1ish yesterday to let it dry out. The firehouse still had standing puddles yesterday afternoon from Saturday night
  3. holy hell. that is unreal. It dumped. 10-11pm ish
  4. did you get all the downpour Saturday night? I read we're 5" in deficit. I'm not sure about that in my hood
  5. I'm not a huge concert guy. More interested in the social activities then the music. My friends are a good time, 20 total of us. My daughter ask me last night if we were all ok. She said you're not meeting until 130PM, usually it would be kegs and eggs
  6. should be a nice day for tailgating and the guns n roses concert in Hershey
  7. you would probably be surprised of things we're called to solve.
  8. many times they don't know their pipe is frozen until it thaws, then water starts running. The fire dept is a service of last resort. You have a problem and don't know who to call, dial 911. Fireman show up and usually can solve the probelm
  9. lol, yes as a fireman. We don't take away the water. Rehab companies do that.
  10. Reminds me of last winter frozen/broken water pipe calls i was on
  11. i'm trying to talk my brother in-law into keeping the pool open for a couple weeks into September. So i can float around and watch college football on Saturdays.
  12. agreed, not interested in this severe BS
  13. am i only one who opened the windows last night? BEST nights sleep in weeks
  14. and we didn't. had wind, no rain. None Sunday either early nooner, Sunny and 75. It's pretty spectacular out
  15. It’s f-ing humid. and I’m betting we don’t see any rain today in the Harrisburg area
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